COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Yeah I’m not saying skinner box babies bounce back.

Yeah, and I’ve mentioned this before, but my wife’s step mom was the daughter (or maybe granddaughter) of Skinner’s partner who raised his kids on those theories and she and several others in the family committed suicide.

All my really close irl friends have kids. One of the families with little kids is pretty dispondent and feels the impact has been traumatic and will be long lasting. A couple others I know I’m sure this will at least have been a major setback for the kids. Others have weathered it pretty well. Luckily my kids did well - though there were certainly some very important things sacrificed.

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Meh, babies are a bunch of babies. They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps like us self made men.


Many western countries that measure things such as available capacity of mental health beds have shown high stress on the system. Surely we can argue against Covid minimizers without dismissing the very real mental health issues our response has caused. Particularly since mental health is already stigmatized and doesn’t get anywhere the attention and resources it needs. (I’m not suggesting that you think mental health issues are no big deal, so please do not take it that way.)

The data I’ve seen is that these were just false talking points. Not saying it’s been a good time, but the specific measure of suicide is down.

A study of the psychological effects experienced by kids who were evacuated during the WW2 bombing of the UK might be relevant if anyone can find one.

In the first three days of official evacuation, 1.5 million people were moved: 827,000 children of school age; 524,000 mothers and young children (under 5); 13,000 pregnant women; 70,000 disabled people and over 103,000 teachers and other ‘helpers’.[1] Children were parted from their parents.

There’s a difference between “last year really sucked and was hard on a lot of people” and “covid will cause long-lasting repercussions on our youth”. I don’t you can infer the second thing from the first.

These people literally believe that just being around others who’ve been vaccinated will make you magnetic.

Yes it’s so great that magic is back! We will stop these men of science and their evil tricks.


Maybe this vaccine breakthrough will help ICP finally figure out how magnets work.


Is that something insane clown posse is investigating?

I’ve yet to see data to support this. The CDC had a report about how proportion of visits that were psych increased, but it wasn’t much of an increase and might have been more attributable to less people coming in for the sniffles and whatnot

I know people who were in the Skinner air cribs (incorrectly called Skinner boxes, which were an animal experimentation device). The mother was distant to say the least, but therapy has worked for the offspring. I think the crib is more of a marker for a certain type of parent, than a harm per se.

There is a recent CDC report (within past few days) that showed a 50 percent increase in ER visits related to suicide attempts for adolescent girls. (Interestingly, only a 4 percent increase for boys.) NY times and Washington Post have it.

Finally took advantage of one of the many new outdoor dining options in my neighborhood. Had some spinach artichoke dip, a beer, half a huge hamburger, and a strawberry shake. When I got home I slept for over two hours. I’m gonna have to rebuild my tolerance for eating out from scratch. May not have helped that the place my wife picked was 20 blocks away.

Text STOP to unsubscribe from econophile’s post-lockdown anecdotes.


would be interesting to see numbers on other death rates. We definitely had a huge drop in school shootings, I would guess a significant drop in traffic fatalities, swimming pool drownings, etc

That baby has a better chance of dying in a car accident than dying from seeing grandparents for the first time.

Stop spreading fear for no reason

Still, good job on saving half the hamburger.

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Already increasing before the pandemic for about half of that though, and without a rise in actual suicides it’s more suggestive that we’re finding more of the people in trouble than a worsening crisis. I think the idea is plausible, just haven’t seen the data to support it. Admittedly, it will be very hard to get that data so I want to be 100% explicitly clear in saying that I’m not saying it’s wrong or whatever.

This is a correct statement of fact.