COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

The US recorded only 8k new cases today. Even adjusting for lolflorida that’s pretty good. We seem to still be decreasing.

Yeah, I’d look it up but searching Cuomo’s Twitter is a PITA, I could be skewing it to late summer as you said.

My recollection is that hospitalizations in NY bottomed out around 500. Right now they’re still at 681 and falling. I’m sure the deaths will keep falling. Maybe we’ll get some zero death days later this summer.

No idea if this is the reason, but a lot of covid patients linger forever before they die.

I do wonder a bit about these numbers now that covid is OvEr. I know testing is down which of course correlates to low prevalence, but I sense vaxxed/lib types (rightly) have a lower appetite for testing… And if you are antivax and you get sick, must be the dang flu! Just some thoughts…


Yeah, there could be some of an issue with that, but at the same time, positivity rates are really low right now. That’s a pretty good indication that they’re catching most cases. I mean NY has had a positivity rate of .5 percent or less for like 2 weeks now.

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In line at the bagel store, there’s a couple with a baby in a stroller. The baby looks like she is less than two years old, and she’s pointing to her parents and other people in line saying “mask!” Probably one of the first words she learned.


That’s both cute and dystopian as fuck.


I’ve got some friends whose daughter was born in January of 2020. She had never seen other people besides her parents. The first time they took her to meet her grandparents she was inconsolably terrified. She has been that way around every other human being.



We are going to be paying a terrible price for this for a long long time.

Seems a little melodramatic. Kids are resilient. I can think of dozens of situations for a baby to grow up in that are infinitely worse than not seeing people other than their parents w/o masks for a year.


There are massive issues right now with school age kids and anxiety and depression. I don’t know if it’s showing up yet in the statistics, but it’s a big problem. You can always point to worse situations, but that doesn’t make this not a high cost and not a shitty thing.

Also I’m sure some of the things suzzer99 would quote here (Alough I could be wrong) Covid-19 and isolation will make some of them worse.

It’s going to be a long recovery for a lot of people who stayed in disfunctional households etc.


I mean, I’m sure the kid will end up fine, you’re right. Still just a stark thing that happened though.

Last summer was hard on everyone. Lockdown, Trump and then the Floyd protests. It was an ugly time. I was a fucking mess. I live on a busy intersection and I never heard so many verbal altercations and people peeling out. The whole country was on edge. I wouldn’t be surprised if that anxiety showed up in kids.

I also wouldn’t be surprised if this data that presumably shows school kids are still significantly more anxious and depressed than usual is just cherry picked nonsense. You can always find a study to show basically anything when it’s something this subjective.

Adjusting back to school after a year away is also going to cause anxiety at first, especially for the 80-90% of middle and high schoolers for whom school is a kind of low grade Mean Girls hell, or worse for some % who really get bullied. If you plucked me out of 8th grade then sent me back in 10th, I’d be fucking anxious too. A whole year of not having to defend myself from constant verbal attacks and occasional physical ones would be a huge relief, and going back would be traumatizing. But that’s not covid. That’s because middle school sucks ass unless you’re one of the popular kids, and even those kids seem constantly terrified of losing their status.

I’m just saying kids are resilient. They’re born to adapt to things. If not every country that ever experienced a war on its soil would never recover - because that is pure hell for kids. Yet somehow France picks up after WWII. The world picked up after 1918. A billion Chinese kids grew up during the Cultural Revolution. I’m sure those kids had issues, but they also went through infinitely worse than covid. That is my point.


Maybe this is just local, but there are large numbers of kids in our school district and neighboring school districts that have been struggling for months to get back school. The current issue far exceeds any problems like this in prior years. I don’t have any data to support it, but don’t need any either as there are so many more than usual (according to administrators) that it’s obvious.

And what is the motive for fudging data on this? It’s not like in the US any data would matter when it comes to public funds for mental health.

Being with ones parents is not this, but isolation is about the worst thing for babies. I can’t find a link as it was something from a book (great book - Love at Goon Park), but there was a comparison of a very fancy Victorian orphanage where they kept babies what they thought was perfectly clean, fed and protected and they had a huge mortality rate (it was like 80%) because the babies were isolated. They compared that to babies born in a dank disgusting women’s prison where the mortality rate was similar to the rest of the world at the time.

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Covid-minimizing blogs have been touting studies about increased suicides etc. since the start of covid.