COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Less than half of adults living in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Wyoming have received one dose of Covid-19 vaccine, according to the CDC this week.

What exactly do all of these MAGA idiots say when confronted with the fact that their God-King Florida Man was vaccinated. He canā€™t be wrong to have done that, can he?

Did you see him get vaccinated on TV? I didnā€™t. Media lies.

I saw him saying he did. Deep fake?

You will get either a) well I didnā€™t see it (and the time for lofty discussion is over). Or b) sometimes Trump has to say things for strategic reasons. But we know the truth.

Or c). Trump isnā€™t always right about everything. See! I donā€™t always agree with the God King! Iā€™m an independent!

Iā€™m experiencing a new phenomenon in stores by me now. People who are still wearing masks, even though they donā€™t have to (good!) but are wearing them around their mouth only and not nose. Not really sure how to feel about themā€¦

It puts me on massive tilt. No mask and I wouldnā€™t even care but the nose hanging out just for some reason angers me.

It definitely did for me before the mask mandates were dropped. But now these people are at least making an effort when they donā€™t have to. Not sure how to feel honestly.

Panera still requires masks near me, a lady today was doing the 'ol chin strap

I like how the article implies that itā€™s due to economic reasons and inaccessibility rather than deplorable fucks not wanting it because they think itā€™ll turn them into 5G conduits.

I guess June 15th is the big day that CA goes balls out again. Will be interesting to see how it plays out.

is June 16 the recall election?

seen this a lot too, makes no sense.

I have obtained some footage from the future:

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I can kind of make sense of it. Imagine someone is outdoors dicknosing it. Then they go into a store. In the past someone would be there to remind them to actually wear the mask correctly. Now, itā€™s optional, so that person isnā€™t around. So, they forget to pull it up.

Iā€™m sure that doesnā€™t explain all of it, but it probably explains some percentage.

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One theory is they think everything Trump says or does that contradicts the propaganda is done with a wink and a nod. But I think a lot of them are just way more into the right wing propaganda than they are into Trump himself.

I havenā€™t followed the national numbers for a long time, but I check NYS numbers almost every day. All the stuff looks good except the raw number of fatal cases is still kinda high? Going by memory but I think NYS had something like 5 deaths a day at the start of summer last year, maybe a little later, but as of now we still have a little over 10 fatal cases a day while the POS rate has cratered to like .3%. What gives, why are there still so many fatal cases? Seems like factoring lag we should still be doing better than last summer by this point.

I think itā€™s just lagging. Your memory is of like august of last year, not June. Give it a few more weeks.