COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Well, that’s a relief.

For a minute there you may have had to reconsider your decision to eventually renounce your USA#1 citizenship.

Best I can tell there are no incidences of serious Covid infection once fully vaccinated. Also the only recorded deaths post vaccination were either due to infection starting prior to or shortly after the first shot.

Anything that disputes this?

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It’s truly remarkable.

At least we can feel comfortable there were no kids getting vaccines across from all those Rabid Nittany Lions.

The Vice versa part is definitely true for clay.

Yeah I think more useful would be a poll of how many eligible people you know who have gotten at least one jab, vs. who haven’t but say they will soon.

I hung out with a black friend tonight (there really is no good way to say that w/o sounding like an idiot). But anyway at the very end I asked him about the vaxx. He made some excuses about waiting for J&J and not wanting to jump the line. I did my best to talk him into it. But I think he’s hesitant.

I didn’t have the heart to ask about his family. But I think if he’s hesitant, then they’re all hesitant at best.

A friend of mine who is a nurse and was very against getting the vaccine changed her mind and got vaccinated. I was surprised and glad to hear. Hopefully more and more people will come around on this. She also informed me that the best way to avoid side effects is that I should take a Claritin the night before the day of and then Tylenol every 6 hours after I get the shot and then another Claritin. I kind of laughed and told her I was just going to be hydrating.


Awesome to hear! The great thing is that we only have to win this argument once. Once they get that needle it doesn’t really matter if they think it was a mistake later.

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He still doesn’t understand that this isn’t a negotiation between constituents and the virus. There is no give and take with virus. What an imbecile.

Ford obviously mashing buttons, but those restrictions were probably impossible to execute at this point and shutting playgrounds rather than issuing strict mask/distance guidelines might be counterproductive

Indeed, maybe that’s why they should not respond to criticism that their policies are haphazard and poorly thought out and ineffective by announcing Super Serious Measures that are reversed the next day.

Yeah for sure. Obviously mashing buttons.

Moderna #2 in my arm at 11am yesterday. Got some aches at night and an insane bout of chills but starting to feel better this morning.

At one point I just started laughing, for some reason finding it hilarious that my body was having such a strong reaction to something I knew wasn’t actually going to hurt it. Like just laughing at my immune system and how cool that was lol.


I think that’s a fair characterization but there’s also some very dumb Conservative Reasoning going on as well. Ford is a classic Ignorant Conservative - he is a true believer that the government should never do anything objectionable and its all a big stupid red tape waste of time, so every measure is introduced reluctantly to pacify health officials, and then as soon as any of his buddies (business owners, cops, Karens) complain then he reverses. This is what it looks like when the government is run by libertarian types. In real life they’re not as smart or decent as Ron Swanson.

I held off on Tylenol for about 36 hours after Moderna #2. Didn’t really have shivering kind of chills, more like tingly chills. Then I took a couple Tylenol. I felt quite a bit better pretty quickly.

Speaking about other variants, Dr Hopkins also told the BBC the current vaccines were “not as good against the South African variant as they are against our own (variant) B117 at preventing infection and transmission” and that caution was still required.

But she said it was highly likely they would still be effective in reducing deaths and hospitalisations.

That’s undoubtedly true, but also think we are just coming to a social ending of the pandemic that’s broader than just normal conservative idiocy at this point. Might be colored by being in the USA though. Hopefully our worst areas are seeing a vaccine driven plateau because even the liberal governments aren’t going to do shit about outbreaks at this point.

What, exactly, is hte point you are trying to make with that quote?

At this point any time you post an out of context quote or an interpretation of a scare article it makes me feel better tbh, because I just assume that the opposite of whatever your scare point is, is true. So far that has generally held up.

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This is exactly me, right down to the time of the shot. The chills were extremely weird. I didn’t have the sensation of being cold, but my body decided that we were freezing to death and I was shivering to the point my teeth were chattering.