COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Yes though not to the same extent

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Japan still at near 100% masks in crowded areas and places of business, at least in my vicinity, even as vaccinations are slowly gathering steam.

Checking on on the worst state ever


Wait, had she been diagnosed with cancer before her COVID shot?

Not to anyoneā€™s knowledge, though she kept a lot of stuff to herself.

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No. Plenty of people have COVID with significant symptoms and have a full recovery. Thatā€™s just COVID. Long COVID would be people with significant symptoms and then something lingering for months (or at least that is one way people use the term).

What caffeine was saying is that he reserves long COVID for cases when the initial infection is mild and there are symptoms lingering for months.

ā€œMildā€ and ā€œsignificantā€ are somewhat nonspecific, which is part of what makes any discussion of long COVID difficult unless one is really willing to spend a lot of time defining exactly what they are talking about.

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Maybe she can demonstrate it to us by sticking a fork in her own forehead.

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Itā€™s been 3 weeks since last poll. How are we doing?

Where are you in the COVID vaccine timeline?
  • Over 2 weeks since second shot.
  • Got second shot less than 2 weeks ago.
  • In between first and second shot.
  • Have appointment for first shot
  • Still waiting to be declared eligible

0 voters

What team are you on?
  • Team AstraZeneca
  • Team Johnson & Johnson
  • Team Moderna
  • Team Pfizer
  • Undrafted Free Agent

0 voters

Sigh, Iā€™m only a beta, got moderna, not pfizer.

The thought process is vaccines would typically be more effective at 7-15 weeks, and the initial dose is very effective at stopping spread and serious illness, however the vaccine companies didnā€™t have that kind of time to wait in the trials so they sped it up and tested it at 3 or 4 weeks so it could get approved and fight the pandemic earlier.

Iā€™m going to assume this is genuine and brag that Canada will pass Israel tomorrow for the highest percentage of the population one dosed. Also, Ontarioā€™s case numbers just fell day over day from a Monday to a Tuesday which has not happened before that I can remember. Monday is typically the lowest day of the week by a decent margin and Tuesday the 3rd lowest


Iā€™m going to call the bottom here for the US, and guess that weā€™re about to see an increase in cases as a result of the CDC mask guidance and further removal of most all restrictions.

My household is split, two Moderna, two Pfizer. Itā€™s fucked up. The conflict is tearing our family apart.



Seems likely one comes at some point, but also seems likely.
ā€”more regionalized to the low vax states
ā€”more likely an issue in the fall/winter
ā€”unlikely to be as bad as prior peaks barring more mutation/vaccine/reinfection risk than we have seen so far.

EDIT: never mind I fucked up the math, we are still 150K deaths a year at the 7-day average. Higher than I thought we would live with in the background, but with the case decreases deaths should come down meaningfully

Again, I get that it worked out and the theory was sound, but they still short-circuited the gold standard scientific process which can result in unpredictable outcomes. I repeat, if we were going to short circuit this process to begin with, then why even do the phase 3 trials at all? They could have started mass producing the mRNA vaccines immediately after Phase I when they found the high antibody response and that the vaccine wasnā€™t injuring or killing people. Thereā€™s a reason we use the scientific method.

Me too!