COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

We probably are, but same for UK. I’d guess we’re undercounting more. Regardless, his point is wholly unsupported by his own data.

If someone shows up and dies of pneumonia, you don’t give them a COVID test?

A lot of people die at home or outside of the hospital.

I did have a guy who had a pneumonia and died after about 3 hours this week. I’m not sure if he ever got swabbed for covid honestly. I spent those 3 hours doing all sorts of shit trying to keep him alive. I don’t think he did, his left lung was useless from cancer and he died after I couldn’t fix his acidosis with one lung. It was almost certainly bacterial pneumonia though.

I have swabbed more than a few dead people in NYC when things were really bad though. We desperately wanted to show how many people were dying at the time.

If you have any evidence at all of some massive undercounting of deaths, I’d love to see it.

Scrolled past a bunch but opinion on variants is that the vaccines are still doing well, especially properly administered 2 doses.

I continue to have some concern about one slipping the immunity of the vaccines but also recognize that the antigen is also probably the key functional protein of the virus so it doesn’t have a huge amount of mutation space to stay functional.

Or said simply—-especially hard to both avoid the vaccines and maintain the spike binding.

Also, I’m at my clients in Montana. Pretty funny to see a couple of folks running around with masks cause they aren’t vaxxed.


My Mom’s stepmom just died. She got a COVID shot and then experienced classic side effect symptoms for a couple weeks before she passed. She also had advanced cancer to the point that the Docs didn’t know what kind, it had spread so much.



I thought delaying dose #2 was considered ideal if you had supply issues so as to prioritize giving everyone a single dose as quickly as possible.
Canada chose to do this as there wasn’t any covid specific data on it, but there was a lot of data from prior diseases and vaccines to indicate this would work.

It has certainly paid off in Canada as our cases, deaths, and ICUs have fallen significantly despite the UK and US essentially having a 2 month head start on vaccine supply.

Is caffeine suggesting this is incorrect and the standard 4 weeks or whatever would have been better?

I hope not because this is exactly what the Czech Republic did.

After realizing that the whole 4 weeks thing wouldn’t vaccinate enough people, they focused on getting one shot into as many people as possible and extending the time in between shots.

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It’s exactly what I’m suggesting.

To expand a bit, every country is going to be different depending on supply and disease burden, but moving from a schedule proven to work was always a significant risk. There’s a definite plus side to it though.

However, talking about variants overwhelming vaccinations when a 2 dose schedule is still extremely effective against that variant while misleading people about the effectiveness of vaccines in general is particularly annoying. Especially when your government made a specific choice to delay the second vaccination.

Oh good, we’re back to nationalistic scoreboarding of virus infection and death. Man, I definitely missed that.


This is what mask compliance looks like in a world where they aren’t silly political tokens.

lol @ Czech Republic not having silly political tokens

Our goddamn president had his campaigns financed by Kremlin-backed businesses.

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I mean the masks specifically, not that Czech Republic doesn’t have any silly political tokens. Were masks politicized there in the same way they were in the US?

18-64 is quite a wide range. Is there a reason for that?

Mine would be a guess at most , maybe it’s the range that the most vulnerable are not in

It’s the working age population so its a common demographic spilt.

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The fact that it worked out is results-oriented thinking.

I think it’s too early to say it worked out that way for sure, BUT fear mongering about vaccines and variants in the context of not using the vaccine per the schedule is bullshit.