COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

seems to be what he’s saying

Well, this was published 5 days ago:

Notably, across all variants, increased age significantly correlated with reduced NAbT (appendix p 2; −0·33<RS<–0·27; 2·2 × 10−5<p<5·6 × 10−4), whereas no correlation was observed for sex or body-mass index (appendix p 4). NAbTs reduced over time after administration of the second dose of BNT162b2: participants (n=14) who attended an additional study visit 8–16 weeks after their second BNT162b2 dose showed significantly reduced NAbTs against all variants (appendix p 2; 0·0002<p<0·0134). While the final NAbTs against Wild-type, D614G, and B.1.1.7 remained within the quantitative range of our assay (IC50>40), two participants’ NAbTs against VOCs B.1.617.2 and B.1.351 dropped below 40 on their later study visit about 3 months after their second BNT162b2 dose.

Cliffs are: this is very good news. Admittedly, this is antibody neutralizing data which no one actually gives a shit about. We care about clinical illness and outcomes. However, that data can’t come until more people get sick.

All of this is wholly unsupported.

The vaccines were shown to be effective in a specific way in a gold standard study. The UK had no fucking idea how the effectiveness of the vaccine would change when they changed the schedule. It was a massive risk at the time that wasn’t backed with data.

I’m not sure if you can ‘blame’ the delta variant issue now on that (my guess would be… maybe?), but having issues with a single dose regimen was predictable still. Regardless, as churchill points out they’ve already caught up so their supply issue wasn’t that severe. It’d be a far better question in countries with more severe issues. There is a breakeven point somewhere, and admittedly I’m not sure where it is.

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I’d love to go today for my 2nd Jab, Infact I’d have gone yesterday and last week too if possible.

I mean at the time it was exceptionally reckless becuase there was very little research on th efficacy of one shot or delayed second shot. Like, we have a scientific method for a reason. Otherwise we could have just started mass-producing moderna back in May of 2020 or whatever after the initial tests on antibody counts came back positive instead of forcing a phase 1, 2, and 3. The fact that it seems to have worked out doesn’t mean it wasn’t reckless.

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Lol, graphaments.

Churchill randomly posting graphs doesn’t support your words.

Same % of population fully vaxxed despite LOL UK delayed strategy, US daily deaths FAR higher than UK deaths despite no variant impact… still…why?

True… And it’s why with 1 shot I’m still acting like I’ve had no vaccination shot at all, because to me it’s very very confusing.

We have a shittier public healthcare system.

Because there’s more than one variable involved in covid deaths obviously churchill. You know this. You’re trolling again.

more likely Trump followed the instructions on the vaccine packet

Are we meaning that US deaths are higher cuase less people turn up for hostipal treatments?

I’m just stating the deaths may be lower if the gap between doses was extended so more could have been jabbed quicker, given that MRNA are so hot against your dominant variant (maybe) of B.1.1.7

No, US deaths are higher because people have sucky access to quality healthcare and not because you guys decided to YOLO it up on delivering the vaccines.

Yeah I dont get it. The US has ~0 restrictions now and fewer restrictions than the UK has had this year. Why would we be surprised that the UK had fewer deaths? Im confused what the argument is here.

EDIT: yeah and what Trolly said too, the US lags on many public health measures because the US healthcare system sucks for the poor.

If its the decision to vax on schedule or not, eh, I think that was a hard call. I probably thought it was too risky at the time, but they were in a tough spot either way.

Churchill is itt attempting to make a big deal about how the UK did better with their covid vaccine response because of deaths per population. I looked at that graph and thought, hmmm, the AUC of that graph is pretty close at least.

And guess who has a higher death rate per population? You’ll be shocked I’m sure, because it’s the UK. 1908 per million vs 1813 per million.

All of this is dumb of course, as it doesn’t prove shit, but still.

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Add Peru to that graph my friend (your missing posts again)

It’s hard to compare the US with the UK when the UK actually know their population and the US is guessing there at best. We’re also still testing and sequencing at 5x the rate of the US so can guess the US is undercounting deaths as a result.

I’m not making the big deal CN - I was defending the postion where at the top of a 2nd wave, it obviously made sense to extend the gap between doses, especially when the UK already had the trials showing effectiveness increased past the packet recommendations (it was a no brainer for UK as LetGambool2 can see)

Yeah, this whole thing is silly. Neither UK or USA were really models of success in how to deal with COVID 19.


JB V BJ… Our PM has been sadly lacking in ALL aspects of the pandemic

Correct :+1:

Yeah, Vietnam and Thailand lead the way (forgetting OZ, NZ for a min) and now look at them.

Covid gets us all in the longrun

There seems to be an understimation ITT, still, of the havoc that variants can play, so there is that

How does the US class a Covid death? Surely you know that.

Up until recently, the UK was classing a covid death as ANYONE that died within 3 months of a postive test… someone in a car accident, 11 weeks after positive covid test…covid death

We’re not undercounting deaths, you silly person.