COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I posted some figures last week ( The specialist is away to the Scottish mountains) and the concerns were from teenagers from school age children and there close contacts.

I’ve only read that as Jalfrazi says

And that there was very few severe cases in hospital but some where there.

I forget the twitter threads name for the reports about the numbers but it should be above in my posts from last week, Thursday or Fridays.

does no one read the tweets? smacc posts showing pfizer is super effective still, then jalfrezi posts about how ‘vaccinated people are still getting covid’


Shit’s eventually gonna get around Europe especially with so many countries opening here.

I wonder when people who got the first shot will have to get boosters.

Feels like this needs to be posted again.


A podcast where the host’s anti-vax best friend talks to a vaccine expert about the covid vaccine

I think your anti-vax relatives have to be at least somewhat open to being wrong in order for anything like this to work though.

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Unfortunately most people here under 50 have not had there 2nd dose (Scotland) and were about to be wide open during the Euros with special parks and alough no-one watches Scotland play here, everybody watches them, geez my effen mum & her sisters will probably be down there just because. :angry:

Fortunately I might have my 2nd shot for the last game against Croatia but not for the auld enemy. :nauseated_face:


Counterpoint: Delta variant is a high percentage of cases in Canada and our whole population is only one dosed save for 10% and case counts are declining very rapidly

Canada is about 41 times bigger than United Kingdom.
United Kingdom is approximately 243,610 sq km, while Canada is approximately 9,984,670 sq km, making Canada 3,999% larger than United Kingdom. Meanwhile, the population of United Kingdom is ~65.8 million people (28.1 million fewer people live in Canada).

Canada has plenty of high density areas and the vast majority of their population lives near the us border. This doesn’t mean much, if anything


I don’t understand what this is supposed to mean. Populations of countries are not evenly distributed

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What’s happening here? Are you guys telling Smacc that cases are not rising in the UK?


Canada is still pretty locked down, no? At least pretty recently there were still travel restrictions between provinces.

The US is about 10 percentage points higher for people fully vaccinated compared to the UK.

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No… Atleast I don’t think so…

Maybe the case rises are due to habits here and we’re just not doing enough to avoid cases rising due to our packed trains, buses schools and general population being careless.

I think that’s probably the case, since the Obviously fact that the UK is far more dense in city’s over Canadas density is definitely not the reasons.

Alough that’s all speculation on my part and it will take some investigations I assume.

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According to this the US is 42% fully vaxxed and the UK is 41%.

Far better than the UK as seen by JTs posting and the Canadian PM being far more compident in messaging etc.

There national news has also been far better at promoting safety of others over ours national news of ‘Freedom Day’.

It’s obviously all makes a difference as seen by our death rates.

We’re def not hitting 70% by July 4th.

I mean it’s nice that 90% people in the Czech Republic who are vaccinated got vaccinated by either Pfizer or Moderna and that close to 40% of the population has at least one shot. However, only about 17% of the population is fully vaccinated. Another wave is coming.

Time to ban travel from the UK again.


Well, I’m not sure who’s most authoritative. I found this for UK first:

Which focused on the percentage of 18+ vaccinated.

So I compared it with the 18+ Americans here, perhaps naively assuming that the age demographics were, if not comparable, at least close enough.

London’s population is 5.5k per square km where as Toronto’s is 4.3k. Not a huge difference. The delta variant is much more common as a percentage of cases in the UK than Canada where the UK variant got close to 100% and is now being replaced by Delta, but it appears delta is not growing in number now, just percentage

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