COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I already got two Pfizers but maybe I’ll go get the J&J to fill in the corners and score some free ganja.


Vaccination as a condition of early release and I’m sold. They should be offering all prisoners extra good time credit to get vaccinated.

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Don’t think this would be ok under contemporary medical ethics, right or not.

Think I’ll go with mnra. Seems like the combo is somewhat better.

Should have made it apparent that this comment was not serious.

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I can’t figure it out Data doesn’t seem clear.

My state has finally opened up vaccination to any 40+ year old and at 41 I qualify. I’ll be getting the first Pfizer shot on Sunday. I haven’t been reading this thread for some time, anyone want to give me an executive summary on what the range of reactions has been for people who had that?


I think reactions with Pfizer shot #1 have been mild for most? I had a sore arm for a few days, no other reaction.

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OK, but what about this?


Are you actually a spike protein talking to me right now? I guess the problem is that if you say no, that’s exactly what a spike protein would say.


Hang on… toxins? Nobody told me there’d be toxins. Wonder if it’s too late to take the vaccine back for a refund.

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Slight sore arm first time, even less sore arm second time (two weeks a part between shots), otherwise nothing. 1 year younger than you. I guess I could have said “same age” but I wanted shit talk an oldster.


First shot for me was just soreness around the shot.

If you’re a side sleeper, be sure you don’t get the shot on the side you sleep on.

My vaccine date may be finally soon approaching, as the neighboring town has vaccinated most of its small population and is planning to open up appointments to us next-door neighbors.

Is there any consensus as to which is preferable between Pfizer and Moderna, in terms of both effectiveness and side effects?

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Welp!!! :mask:

Nothing on Moderna though?

Thank fuck I’ve got both shots.

Pretty scary that 40% of the UK has been fully vaccinated and yet cases are still rising. Any reports on fully vaccinated people in the UK getting covid yet?

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Some fully vaxxed getting it, but efficacy holding up as expected

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sore arm → sick in bed the next day

I’ve read that vaccinated people are still getting covid but with reduced symptoms. Don’t have the numbers because all the focus here is now on the newest delta variant - see above.