COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Yeah anti vax is very overlapped w anti mask. It’s the complaining ninny paradigm.

I think it only works one way:

Anti-vax → almost never wearing a mask
Not wearing a mask → Either anti-vax or vaxxed and don’t see the need to mask

I have a couple of students with long term covid effects. They haven’t been to class since face-to-face classes have opened.

Not sure how much is psychosomatic. All I know is that they got covid and whether online or f2f, they haven’t been the same since

Most people who are anti-covid vax are just selfish pricks. They have no general antivax convictions. No way they’re wearing a mask.

Well, not all of them are going to be. However, if you suddenly start feeling normal after the vaccine, that makes literally zero sense from any sort of “what mechanism could cause this” perspective.

There will be more to learn from this obviously. There will be people permanently scarred from this. I cannot see how the people who had a mild disease course or even no proof of ever having infection having severe symptoms of “long covid”. There might be a few, hell I had a long term complication from a minor viral illness, but they’ll be rare.

It’ll also be exceptionally difficult to figure out who’s who.

There’s got to be a significant PTSD effect to living through the greatest societal upheaval since WW2, constantly thinking you might die, then getting the thing that is killing everyone.

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The US recorded just 6,000 new cases yesterday. Discounting the Memorial Day reporting anomaly that’s the lowest one day total since March 20, 2021. 7DMA below 14k.


not saying it’s a big change, but I’m guessing some gop lead states have stopped reporting covid cases, Florida did. not sure how that affects your numbers, but I’m sure it does.

My uncle has long Covid-19 & he got Covid-19 on December 2019 & someone here wanted to obfuscate his problems by dismissing his symptoms in early 2020.

Hes a professional sportsman, trained all his life, lived alcohol and drug free for all of it and went running and trained with his professional football team everyday.

Has had to give up the exercises because he can’t walk for more than 5 mins at a time now and has been seeing a specialist in London for treatment.

Has spoke about it in a public setting and his main concern is his breathing and lack of energy, especially in the mornings.

Edit: It took him 6 months to get back to a light jog and is now up and running but not as his peak from 2019, he’s back at the forefront of coaching again. :grinning:

Edit 2:- I’ve had 2 uncles catch Covid-19 at the start of last year or 2019 but close enough that it’s probably the same strain… Dec 2019/March 2020 and both had very different reactions while both where basically the same people, non smokers, non drinkers & work alcoholics and one got hospitalised while the other cruised through it.


Yes, this is me, or at least was in the past. I remember waking up to smelling salts in middle school because they PRICKED MY FINGER to take blood. … Or maybe it started with an earlier memory, a flash of someting from much, much younger, cryng in the doctor’s office before a shot …

Anyway, the reaction has persisted into my 40s and three years ago I was discussing hernia surgery with my GP and PASSED OUT mid sentence, no needles or anything, based solely on what was being said. All of which I find hilarious, though it used to embarass me.

ETA: I said “or at least was,” because in the last couple of years I’ve put a lot of focus on meditation and the last times I got shots or had blood drawn, I had no reaction.


I think there is some misunderstanding about “long Covid”.

It’s being used in common reporting to refer to a nebulous clustering of symptoms that have little to do with things like lung damage which are obvious long term effects of serious Covid infection.

It’s also being associated with people that had no or minor symptoms initially.

I think your uncle falls in the category that Covid fucked him up initially and he is still recovering.

The others may or may not have something real going on. There is an interesting repeat of symptoms similar to chronic fatigue and other poorly defined syndromes that makes it possible that all or part of what is going on is actually psychosomatic.

I think that’s likely the case too and so does he, having spent 1 week in hospital being very worried and sick, then having 3/4 weeks in the house not able to do anything apart from rest has took its toll along with his lungs getting affected and causing the breathing problems, knowing him he would have been out the back trying everyday to get some exercise whether he says so, it’s the way with these people, they can’t sit down lol.

And doing only light exercise for + 6 months will have brought down his fitness levels too, so probably even without the lungs getting damaged it would have taken at least 6 months to recover I’d think back to his levels.

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I hope he continues to improve with time.

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I hope your uncle gets better, but I’m confused by the dates you put out there (like, does your uncle live in wuhan?) Regardless that’s not important. The fact is that being hospitalized for a week for lung/heart issues will result in medium to long term consequences regardless of the cause. Doctors expect that.

That’s not what “long covid” refers to though, or at least what I mean by it. Long haulers are generally people who had mild courses (or in many cases, never actually had confirmed covid or any serious illness) with mysterious symptoms that seemingly have no way to be objectively measured.

As someone with a friend with “long COVID” (was training for an ultramarathon prior to getting sick, running 30 miles at a shot, now has trouble running a few miles at a 12:00 pace), I am very sympathetic toward and supportive of sufferers. But I do agree that relief being caused by being vaccinated does seem to point toward the psychological element of this. Which, to be very clear, doesn’t make it less “real”. Trauma is trauma.


Yeah… No shit…Best I can do is PM you the video.

Great, thanks for the reply. :+1:

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Just so you know these daily numbers reports help me mentally. Please keep it up.


Are you sure about this? I know a lot of gop states stopped reporting county level data. I don’t think you are correct about state level data. Nytimes still has recent numbers for Florida which change every day.

Was December 2019 a typo in your post? COVId hadn’t even been identified yet in December of 2019.


Florida moved to weekly reporting as of last Friday as they view the COVID crisis as over. Not sure about other states.

Testing is down nationwide and other GOP states likely to follow Florida here. Numbers will become more unreliable. That said, hard to conclude anything right now besides COVID is still, thankfully, becoming less prevalent in the US for now.

EDIT: sorry replied to wrong post, meant to reply to above

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