COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

My current hypothesis is a very significant number of the people who are unvaccinated already caught COVID but just didn’t have it bad. I mean if you unvaccinated at this point you were probably already YOLOing it up early


Fauci killed Kennedy.

That’s just what they want you to think.

Did you know that Fauci had a PASSWORD on his email account? WHAT WAS HE TRYING TO HIDE! DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!


A COVID outbreak among the unvaccinated players that put all of them in quarantine for the US Open while the MAGA fans cried about would just be such a real shame


I actually have no idea what the derps and MTG are screaming about in regards to the Fauci emails. Are they upset that he said we should wear a mask and then in emails said we shouldn’t? It’s it the opposite? Anybody have any insight?

None of them have read the emails. They just make up wholesale what’s in them. It’s 100% bad faith. No need to analyze further.


My favourite example is all the people saying the emails prove Fauci was taking Hydroxychloroquine because someone sent him an email saying they were taking it.

1)Fauci argues in 2012 in American Society for Microbiology that gain of function study is worth the risk of a lab leak.
2)Gain of function done in Wuhan on coronaviruses. Coronavirus pandemic starts in Wuhan, Wuhan also got some American/Fauci money earlier as well.
3) Fauci an advocate for suppressing freedoms via lockdowns and masks.
4) Hate Fauci because he was an advocate for the work that led to a pandemic and he spearheaded lockdowns.

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Paging @CaffeineNeeded .

I wonder how many of these long-haulers would also feel bettter with a placebo.

Well, seems like fairly clear evidence supporting what I think about long covid. Sounds very psych-y to me. No mechanism really explains that, although I’m glad people are feeling better and I can use it to tell these people to get vaccinated

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Some vaccines, such as the hepatitis vaccine, work for life. Others such as polio or tetanus need regular boosters to maintain our immunity. In the case of influenza, vaccines are developed every autumn to protect against the latest three of four flu virus strains that are forecast to be dominant over the winter season.

Covid has been with us for such a short time that we are still learning how long our immunity lasts after infection - and after vaccination.

It seems highly likely that, as with flu jabs, we will need boosters of the Covid vaccine every year to protect against winter surges and to protect against new variants. What we don’t know is which vaccine will provide the best protection.

This latest trial, known as CoV-Boost, will help us find out the answers.

We are blessed with multiple vaccine choices after a remarkable year of discovery, and the trial will test seven different options including the AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Novavax and Janssen vaccines, some of which will be administered at half-dose.

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My sister is a dance teacher so I went to her recital yesterday. It was outdoors but the policy was vaxed don’t need a mask and unvaxed do. I’m vaxed but I wore a mask anyway. But now I’m wondering if people think I’m an anti vax person because I’m wearing a mask when I don’t have to. This is fucked up.


This shit might be fucked up.

But I am pretty confident in saying almost no one is thinking you are antivax for wearing a mask.


Nah. I’m still masking everywhere and the rule you described is the way it is most places in NY now. I’m pretty sure all the people I see wearing masks are not the anti-vaxxers and I don’t think anyone thinks I’m anti-vaxxed because I wear a mask.

Yeah, this. Anti-vaxxers are also nearly all anti-maskers.

EDIT: I guess there are those super-morons who are anti-vax and afraid to be around vaxxed people. I could see those people masking up. But (thankfully) those folks are still pretty rare (I think).

I’m pretty confident most the people I see without masks are the ones who aren’t vaccinated.

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Or she lives at Chipotle.

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