COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Man Power!
I was very hungry after mine and had trouble sleeping the following night, no immediate reaction other than eating a lot. Unsure if not sleeping was related, but it probably was.

My wife suffers from migraines which apparently is really bad for side effects and she had a minor migraine when she got hers and was vomiting the rest of the day because her head hurt so much. Still both of us are so happy to be vaccinated and living in a country with such a low anti vax movement that we will be #1 in the world in first doses within a week.

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Yup itā€™s the same thing he did with lying. He said things very simply and that made people think that he wasnā€™t lying. Meanwhile, they hear some smooth-talking Ivy League guy using big words to talk about things and all of a sudden they think heā€™s pulling a fast one on them. I mean why use them highfalutin words if they arenā€™t essential?

My sister and my wifeā€™s sister both have hyperactive auto immune diseases and neither of them had significant side effects after their shots and my sister had the AZ one which supposedly produces the worst side effects.


Iā€™m guessing a nominee based on not being vaxxed most likely.

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Not getting the vax likely cost him a 7-figure paycheck.

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Their instinct is correct, Trump just hacked their brain.

ā€œNever use a long word where a short one will do.ā€

ā€œNever use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.ā€

-George Orwellā€™s Six Rules for Writing

Guess there is a decent chance he got the J&J shot. Nine Yankees who got J&J tested positive.

Daughter, lying in bed with a headache and lethargy, says, ā€œItā€™s an honor.ā€


Seems to be no rhyme or reason to who gets hit hard by the vaccine. Must be some obscure genetic factor.

I believe a reporter said that those who have been vaccinated werenā€™t tested, implying that he hadnā€™t been.

Vaccinated players not routinely tested, but he was a close contact too. Not sure what the protocol is if vaccinated and a close contact. If he was at least we will get some data on how vaccinated asymptomatics spread

Based on this ā€œIā€™m not going to say if I did or did not vaccinateā€ from his round 3 playing partner I think we can assume the deplorableness is high on the tour.

A ton of them are MAGAtards.

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On some golf Twitter feed it said 50% of the tour players had been vaccinated.

TBF, when trmp got covid, i was thinking about the bleach cure.

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Would probably have guessed less. Lotta deplorables there.

Well Trump got the jab himself. So they can rationalize it with ease and still slurp Florida Man.

Yeah, I would have guessed above the Republican average, but under 50, so, like 40-45% or so. I weep not for the unvaccinated guy who likely cost himself millions

US 7dma down to 14,000 cases. Cases still down 45 percent over the 14dma, the relaxation of Covid protocols does not seem to be negatively impacting US Covid rates yet.