COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

He didn’t support the real President’s brilliant plan of hydroxychloroquine and bleach to cure the hoax virus.

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Yeah, it’s this. Anything that isn’t unquestioning fealty to Dear Leader must be punished.

I think I may have figured it out, even if they have not landed on it yet, its heading this way, I think.

Trump enablers know what he caused during the early stages of the pandemic and going forward and that massive blame will be used in the election if he runs so they are goi g to push the “China Virus” and use it as leverage against JB or whomever runs, its Joe and that he got the vaccination program running and all the good was because of him + anything bad was down to those Wuhan Scientists and the term gain of function will be thrown in.

It will be in his next campaign to defeat China and the scientists who done the dastardly deed and sent the virus over here, all bullshit of course.

Friend of mine I game with had his mother get sick after the vaccine. She got really sick was experiencing kidney failure.

Turns out she had salmonella. She’s okay now I believe: CDC was in contact with them about it.


The vaccine gave her salmonella? :fearful::fearful::fearful:


Oh man sick salmonella cases are so weird. Last one I had was some 15 year old kid who had just immigrated from Honduras and was a refugee.


Hearing that people with a good immune system get worse symptoms is a bit worrying for me as I think my immune system is solid, the only 2 times I’ve been floored was the 1977 flu :grin: and tonsillitis, every other thing that’s went through my system has not bothered me at all other than a few snivels or 24 hours of feeling slightly sore and lightheaded, basically nothing that a good cough syrup couldn’t handle. :blush:

I’ll still go get my 2nd Jab I promise :crossed_fingers:

That they have something called “The Goldfish Report” to get their info is chef’s kiss.


The good immune stuff is nonsense.


I hope none of them die from Covid. Irony can be a cruel mistress.

I also have blood that cloths quicker than most, when I cut myself it’s healed in no time tbh, even when needing stitches the cut has congealed by the time I’ve got to the hospital.

Haha. No.

But it is a reminder if 20 million people get sick in a random month in the past, that same relative rate continues now.

For some reason kooks like to think we claim the vaccine prevents all illness.

Plus pretty sure you were joking. :joy:

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That’s not unusual. Maybe you’re Bruce Willis in unbreakable wrt bleeding though


Me and my dad give blood when it’s possible and the nurse told us that it could be used for the people who have thin blood, probably missed a joke and have been using it ever since.


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I view it less as nonsense and more as hyperbole.

Someone who is profoundly immunocompromised in a certain way is very likely to have less of a reaction than an normal healthy person. That’s not too controversial.

But you can’t really take that and extrapolate to two healthy people one of whom has milder symptoms than the other. I suppose if someone does that and is serious about it, then it would be nonsensical, but I don’t think most are doing that.


Serious answer is that all blood donations are separated into plasma, platelets and red blood cells, all of which can be used for people with clotting or bleeding issues.

Real answer is that you should have gotten a pint with the nurse… or maybe your dad already did idk


Well, if it makes you feel better, it is thought that for the common cold (for example) the symptoms that are experienced are primarily due to your immune response. So if you get fewer symptoms, it means you’re maybe actually mounting less of a response to the virus. And maybe that will correlate to having less of a symptomatic response to the vaccine.

Cliffs: Your immune system sucks. Sorry for the bad news. Vaccinate yourself with abandon.

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I think trying to actually use the strength of post-vax symptoms to predict infection would be extremely difficult because of the high effectiveness of the vax.

I assume Bayes Theorem comes into play, even though I don’t remember enough of statistics to explain it :grin:

Yes, I’m sure this is also true.

What do creators of How I Met Your Mother fit into this?