COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Never been to a nude beach have you.

Would you mind sharing what those side effects are?

The distrust is absolutely a huge issue. How do we overcome it though?

I am a true believer in the vaccine so I push it pretty hard to people. There are a couple of guys I thought would never get it who are between first and second shots now. I still worry that they get their second shots and I viscerally react every time anyone, including myself, mentions shot side effects. I feel like I am holding my breath for others between their first and second shots.


The lady who will defend Hitler doesn’t like Fauci. Wonder why!


I talked to an anti-vaccine curious MD today, makes me want to just completely give up and move to a Caribbean compound.

Which flavor of anti-vax? The standard stuff
or part of the small contingent of “we need to stop mass vaccination immediately or we are going to extinguish the human race from variants” doctor crowd?

Yeah, the devil is in the details. It’s perfectly possible to come up with a reasonable position that could be described as “anti-vax”, but that is very different from the standard derp that is so prevalent.

Man, if I had a time machine and could go back and kill one person, I guess it’d still be Hitler, but man, I’d give a long thought about going after whoever it was who figured out that yelling EMAILZ!@!!! was the cheat code to the fear response in the conservative amygdala.


My boss has sold several houses that he is owner financing. One of the mortgagors came in to make a payment recently. She is a nurse. She informed us that her family will not be getting the vaccine because it is killing people in droves. :man_facepalming:

Nausea, overall body aches, feeling very tired. These all diminished over the course of today and I hope I will be fully “recovered” by tomorrow.


I don’t wanna blind everyone in the area


Naomi Wolf finally banned from twitter for covid misinformation.

Alex Berenson or Clay Travis next?

This actually doesn’t surprise me at all. Donnie Dumb Dumb was a reminder of one of the key tools that fraudsters use - commit your frauds openly and boastfully, and people will instinctively assume that you are not committing fraud. They’re taking advantage of the social programming that people have where they assume that people would hide their intentionally bad acts. Whey they see someone defiantly say “yeah I did the thing so what” their lizard brains immediately jump to “oh then it mustn’t have been bad”.

The same psychological trick is at play with EMAILZ. By convincing people that email accounts are SECRET they get stupid conservatives to jump immediately to “oh that must be bad stuff, if it wasn’t evidence of a CRIME why did they HIDE it in an email account with a SECRET PASSWORD”. They’re manipulating people by creating the impression that email account downloads are BIG REVEALS of HIDDEN SECRETS.


Kids update: they had their second shot at about 1:30pm Friday. Boy started feeling it late in the evening, but was ok. Really started feeling like shit some time after midnight. Came into my room at 3:00am saying he was really light-headed, yet restless at the same time, so he couldn’t sleep. He did finally sleep a little, but was up this morning with a fever, nausea, and a worse head. I think he’s fallen back asleep.

Daughter feels bad, but not too terrible. Headache, restless, legs are uncomfortable (though that could have something to do with being a gymnast who has had a week off and was just sitting around). She and my wife decided to go for a walk to see if that helps.

I reminded dlk9s jr as I put a waste basket next to his bed that this is a) going to end by tonight or tomorrow and b) it’s better than catching COVID.

CONCLUSION: The men in our household have better immune systems than the women because we had the strongest reactions to the vaccine.


Rush Limbaugh, man he put decades of work in to build up Hillary as America’s super-heel.

Tell your kids that your random internet forum people say thanks for getting the vaccine and putting up with a day of misery for the greater good. Feel better little dlk9s’s!


I guess, but what’s particularly maddening about this case is that basically no one can actually quote anything scandalous in any of the emails. It’s just.

  1. Emails were made public
  2. ???
  3. Every scandal we can possibly imagine is proven to be true.

More from the derps. I swear, if we could just harness the power of their “research”, we’d already have cancer cured:

Do your own research*!

  • watch youtube videos of crackpots. Not research in like the medical scientist sense of doing experiments and documenting outcomes. Not that research. youtube research!

And don’t even think about trying to rebut their argument without watching a 12 hour long rambling YouTube video by their preferred “doctor”.

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You’ll have to do research and watch 20 hours of YouTube videos to find that out. Let me know and I’ll get some links for you!