COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Deplorable enough risk losing a dream job, lol


The same people that wanted Kaepernick drummed out of the League for kneeling will be FURIOUS the the NFL is PERSECUTING these assistant coaches.


Huh. This could both explain more severe Covid in African descendants and a vitamin D link.

Immune system gene that is already know to be more frequent at higher latitudes correlates with less severe Covid. Though nothing specific on ability to infect, but article infers that infectivity remains similar, just less disease in those with the gene variant.


Why did Donnie Dumb Dumb have to go to the hospital I thought he had the best genes.

If he got it before the antibodies and steroid treatments become available he might have croaked.


As I read it the Vitamin D connection could be incidental.

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Iā€™m extremely skeptical of the vitamin d stuff. People who get vitamin d are healthier for a lot of reasonsā€¦ but thatā€™s easily a marker of people who get outside and do shit. Bedridden nursing home patients and fatties arenā€™t getting much sun.

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Follow up evidence on antibodies and steroids arenā€™t nearly as good as I thought they would be.

At one point yesterday I had two quotes fired up to post but those posters have not even posted in the last couple days so I figured it would probably cause more harm than good.

JT and I are actually probably talking about two different things even though there is a lot of overlap with our thought processes (I think).

I just want to reiterate that my tone yesterday was over the top but I donā€™t hold ill will towards anyone in this group.

I will continue to say that if we are the progressives we claim to be we can all do better. It does not mean not enjoying life because there is suffering around the world.

It might mean living life more intentionally though now that we are almost on the other side of this.


Just a suggestion that it might be tied to latitude as an indicator not cause/effect. At least thatā€™s what I got out of the lay article. I did not delve into the paper. Totally concur it could be an alias for overall health.

(I do not know but are us pale skins are more efficient at using sunlight??? But of course if you sit on your ass inside you donā€™t get any natural D and you probably have high sugar and other things correlated to higher risk.)

As far as antibodies and steroids, the immediate and aggressive nature of his care may not be typical?

Lots of confounding signals in all the Covid data.

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Only itt can a bunch of people all likely in the 90th plus percentile of Covid caution have such a big disagreement.


Masks are coming off in some schools in the Czech Republic.

So long as the incidence is less than 25 per 100,000 over 14 days, the R is less than 1 and positive tests are at less than 4%, masks are deemed unnecessary according to the government. So far it appears blanket testing is still ongoing.

I remember what happened the last time the government was this arrogant about the pandemic.

how am i just now hearing about hunterā€™s dick pics? way to bury the lede, fb threads!

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but we are already living in a never-actually-ended-1918 flu pandemic, and probably a few others. the viruses do evolve, and become endemic, although fatality rates are usually reduced. itā€™s been predicted that outbreaks will likely become more frequent, but not necessarily deadlier across the whole population.

Am I the only one who kept misreading Yadi as Yeti?


What are the socioeconomic issues limiting access to the vaccine in this country.

I have done a lot of work with poc in low income neighborhoods related to the vaccine and getting vaccinated. Early on it was absolutely atrocious. Speaking only for the poor neighborhoods I have worked with (but Lol Texas) you canā€™t throw a stone without hitting a walk in no reservation clinic.

Walmart has walk-in vaccines at every pharmacy in the country. So do Walgreens and CVS as far as I know. Not to mention a huge number of other locations.

Free rides from technology required to only needing access to a phone are widespread to go get the vaccine.

Why arenā€™t these communities getting vaccinated at a higher rate? I have a hard time believing it is accessibility any more. So what else can be done to get them to get the shots?

I have had to convince a lot of people who didnā€™t trust any of this to get vaxxed. But how does that happen on a large scale?


It is a brand new world, unfortunately and there is no going back.

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The emails are dumb because the wackos screaming about them were not aware of what was going on for the last year.

They are literally living 2020 Covid information for the first time.