COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Nothing to do with that at Penn State. There are a bunch of underground rooms in the steam tunnels there and you can basically break into any building on campus. Awesome place to take a date.

As far as I can tell then in pharmaceutical supply chains it’s common from every step to have approval for that specific chain, or at least use in that particular drug. So you can’t just swap out one raw material provider for another quickly, even if there is someone available—it’s months or more. So whether they can get the stuff elsewhere is irrelevant in the timeframes that matter.

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I get that, but we’ve known the vaccines coming for a while now. Was no one planning ahead on this?

This is not true. They aren’t limited to one specific filter or vial type or whatever. That would also be easily worked around in India.

On top of that, the patent stuff seems to be the real issue here, and also part of what they are asking for. That change would just happen to be worth a ton to that specific guy.

Color me extremely skeptical that they can get their vaccine production off the ground that quickly.

India says it has become the “fastest country in the world” to administer more than 100 million doses of coronavirus vaccines, amid a deadly second wave of infections.

Churchill are you seriously fucking citing some rando unverified twitter account? And you’re conflating vaccinated with vaccines produced. Come on dude.

Anyways, looking at it in a non-foolish way, it looks like India produces a good amount of vaccine… but not the ones that CEO you quoted was referencing. I doubt they’re suddenly going to be able to large scale noravax, it takes time to do that.

This is all muddled, and it may turn out that supply issues from the USA may be an issue, but it sure seems like there’s a massive financial incentive for this guy.

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Fair enough, and I am obviously an not an expert. There’s lots of stories currently doing the rounds about factories needing approvals to supply what’s needed, so you should let them know. There was even a scandal in the UK about specifically a vial manufacturer getting approval corruptly, though clearly it wasn’t even needed!

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So something happened that’s different than what you said in a vastly different country regulatory environment?

Being snarky while not knowing what you’re talking about is a way to go about it I suppose.

They (India) make vaccines for the international market, like everyone else. They’re also already one of the biggest manufacturers, so lol at ‘get it off the ground’.

Anyway, I don’t know the specifics of approvals, but there’s plenty of evidence out there that the difficulty in swapping out suppliers is the reason they need their existing ones to come through.

This not true per our resident Oreo. Apparently we gave about 1.5 million to Canada that were going to expire before they had a chance of being approved here.

a very generous gesture

ahh. must return some out of date ones.

havent seen this posted yet, I haven’t gotten around to reading it but plan to in the next day or two

If the problem was simply swapping out suppliers seems like India could change their regulatory process very easily.

The vaccine in question is Novavax, which hasn’t been approved by anyone yet afaik. It’s also not in significant production yet either. You can’t just say they make these other vaccines so they won’t have to ramp up production of this completely different vaccine. So again, why are you being a snarky jerk?

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Going to be hard for me to buy that anyone held up vaccines when the creation and production of the vaccine is faster than anything in the history of man.

I totally get it if you want to take shots at big Pharma, but I would avoid this topic specifically with them, as this has been one of, if not the, most significant technological achievements of all time.

I don’t know if the article I posted is regarding production, I do know it’s about IP.

Also wasn’t posting it in regards to the convo now just an aside

Nope. A single dose of AZ is better than a single dose of Pfizer…only the 80’s tested so far but maybe no to low T-cell reponse after first dose of Pfizer whereas AZ first dose generates T-Cell reposnse.

I’m aware. Making the argument IP held up the covid vaccine, by far the fastest creation and production of an effective vaccine of all time, is going to be an uphill battle

India manufactures a lot of vaccines, their supply issues are far wider than just with Novavax. In any case you clearly take into account regulatory approval prior to getting it finalised, whatever the requirements are. Similarly India don’t get to choose the rules for approval freely when their products are used internationally.

And another hearty lol at taking notes on tone from yourself.


There is not enough evidence to say one dose of Pfizer, moderna, etc is better than AZ or vice versa. The reason why is that there are zero gold standard studies about Pfizer and moderna. No one actually gives a shit about the lab tests Churchill talks about. They care if they get covid, and it’s simply not studied appropriately.

And at this point I have no idea what you’re trying to say anymore.