COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

When you say shitty, has anyone actually died of COVID after sinovac?

I have no idea, and am too lazy to research it at the moment.

This is dumb. open it to everyone for walk-ins. Javitz has open availability. It’s discriminatory that someone with a smartphone could walk up and make an immediate appointment but a 49 year old without a smartphone will be turned away.

Its definitely non zero. I know a guy in his 40s who was debating not getting the vaccine because he is terrified of shots. Said he hadn’t had a needle in like 20 years. Personally I can’t fathom that but I guess everybody has their own irrational fears of some sort.

He did end up getting it, took his dog with him for support and of course was thrilled that he didn’t even feel the needle. Whatever gets more shots in arms I guess.


Shot one of Moderna in the arm while thousands of penn state fans gather right across the street from the clinic to watch the team’s spring football scrimmage, lol.

Still so happy and proudly wearing my Kaep jersey :fist:


I wish I had an interesting story to tell but its actually just pure stupidity and leadership vacuum. The government just gives wishy-washy non-answers about holding back reserves in case they need them. Its just idiocy.


Wow I think it’s safe to use plates when you’re eating at home.


Don’t forget that our premier is Canadian Trump. Dumbass bombastic ignorant big mouth conservative that inherited a business from his ruthless dad and doesn’t have a clue how to get anything done thats not handed to him on a silver platter. Other provinces are hurting too but Ontario’s government response is not going to get any better with Ford in charge. He’s too stupid and narrow minded.

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Huh. I assumed he was hitting up salt bae’s steakhouse.

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lol at eating a gold flaked steak


That’s just what the fomite companies want you to think.

Ford is the ultimate button masher.

Local police tweeted this.

About a month and a half ago local leaders were practically begging Ford to do something as this area of the province was getting hit hard with Covid(while Southern Ontario was doing OK). However now that the rest of the province is doing bad but we doing relatively OK, Ford is going all draconian.

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Wonder what Penn State is like these days. I graduated in 2007 and haven’t gone back since.

People still going through the steam tunnels at night?

It’s not ripe because it concerns policies and context that won’t arise until August, when everything will be quite different.

Here’s his concern:

So I’m semi-seriously entertaining the (remote?) possibility of suing the school district if spread continues to be high, they don’t offer remote learning, and they don’t require masks.

Sure if this is the case in August it will be an issue…for everyone, so he wondnt have to take the lead. August is a different world than April. How can he request accomodations in April for not yet extant policies and context in August?

CDC published data showing an infinitesimally small proportion of vaccinated people in the USA getting ill. Seems like strong evidence that variants aren’t destroying vaccine efficacy.


Hah that was a thing at Mich St. back in the 80s. They played D&D. Some 15 year old genius got involved and then disappeared. He eventually turned up in Texas. He had just wigged out and left. Had nothing to do with that group. I believe he eventually killer himself.

But I’ve already heard “5600 cases evading vaccination”. It’s like any number less than 100% is ignored. Innumeracy all over the place.

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I just did a very shallow dive into this, but I’m having a hard time understanding what these “raw materials” are that the US isn’t exporting. They all sound like things that would be available from other countries. I guess the problem could be that every country has similar export restrictions.

Filters and other stuff.

I suspect the CEO of the Serum Institute has had a deeper dive.