COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

My vax #2 got worse during the night. Nothing like this has happened to me before.

I was having trouble sleeping because I felt chilled and hot at the same time. Sucks, but no biggie. Left bed at about 2:45am to try a couch so I wouldn’t disturb my wife (who also got her second shot). Couldn’t really sleep there, either, but probably dozed off a couple times. Still normal stuff.

At sometime after 6:00am, I had to pee. It was an effort getting to the bathroom, as I was weak and light headed. When I finished, I started feeling nauseous. I took one step out of the bathroom and really felt bad, had to brace myself. I decided to go back to the couch, rather than encourage a vomit.

As soon as I started walking through the kitchen, my brain and body basically turned to shit. I felt half-conscious and was lurching the few steps to the next room.

As soon as I crossed the threshold to my destination room, I passed out. I was semi-aware of what was happening. I could feel and hear myself hit things, but it was all just a swirl of semi-conciousness. I think I was only down for a few seconds.

Fortunately, I was next to the couch, so I got up, still feeling like my brain was in reverse, and collapsed onto the couch. I immediately burst into sweat, but after about 30 seconds, my head stabilized and I was ok.

Haven’t slept much since, but sitting here, at least I only feel tired now.


I got my Moderna #2 at just about the same time…11am Eastern on Friday. Actually, I’m not feeling that bad right now. Was sleepy and fell asleep on the couch last night. Woke up at about 3am and didn’t sleep so great after that. I don’t feel like I have a fever. No chills. A little achy but not much different than from overdoing a workout. I am pretty lethargic though and have no appetite. If it doesn’t get worse than this, I’ll be happy.


Oof, sorry you are having a rough time. My experience was very similar excluding the nausea and passing out. Everything was back to normal for me after about 60 hours post shot. Hope you feel better quickly.


If you were this dude would you stand pat? I think I’d probably got get another Pfizer after three weeks. Or maybe a J&J just to hit the trifecta.


When I was trying to avoid going back to Ohio I got offered a Pfizer locally. I thought about it and if I could have gotten both antigen sequences I might have made that decision.

I believe there is work ongoing to test mixed doses?

Arm where they jabbed me is a little sore. wtf, I hate vaccines now.


Hopefully it doesn’t last much longer. My peak wasn’t quite as bad as yours but it lasted about 24 hours. After that, I just felt sorta bleh for the next two days.

Tylenol + water were a huge help if you haven’t been downing both all day.

Shot 2 in the arm! Already booked an (outdoor) dinner reso for 2 weeks from today… first plated meal I’ll have had in 14 months!



This time it seems like you’ve got a pretty obvious reason to have had it, but if it happens again, you should probably get it checked out.


I wonder what percentage of vaxx-deniers are actually just afraid of shots? Obviously they’re not going to admit that on a survey.

I mean do they also freak out of their doctor prescribes blood pressure medicine or something else that went through the same clinical trial process and has way more potential dangerous side effects than a vaccine?


You should see the Biden thread. Completely overrun by Canucks.


Still have intermittent small waves of nausea. I have to drive. Had one as I was trying to fall asleep. 72 hours in.

Try not to vomit in your sleep. A guy named Walt says it’s a bad idea.


I get why Canada has vaccine supply problems, but I think you’ve also posted that they’re fucking up the distribution of the ones they do have. What’s going on with that?

I feel like in a few weeks the USA is going to have extra vaccines aplenty. Maybe we could trade them for Vancouver or something.

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We’re already sending them a ton of them.

Also I remember reading last year that Canada was catching heat for pre-ordering far more vaccine than their population would need because they just were not sure what was going to pan out. Anyone know what happened with all of those orders?

They’re using the Chinese vaccines, maybe sinovac? Unfortunately the vaccine is kind of shitty with like a 50 percent or so efficacy, so they’re still having a lot of covid problems.

Start by requesting an accomodation in writing for your kids. If they deny accomodation, then it’s ripe, after you’ve exhausted whatever agency appeal process exists in your state.

The manufacturers just said “we’ll give you half what we promised and a few months late, thanks for the money though”.