COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

The vaccine is free. The chair you sat in while getting the vaccine is an add on service that costs $100 per 5 minutes used.


ā€œWhy didnā€™t you check first to make sure the chair was in network?ā€



Back at the beginning of the pandemic my wife had a covid exposure at her hospital. Her employee health told her they werenā€™t set up to do covid tests yet and she needed to go to her ER to get one done. The test was ā€œfreeā€, but the company the ER docs work for tried to bill her for an exam. After 4 months of arguing with the billing company she threatened to take them to small claims court, they finally decided to write off the bill.


Chairs are a grotesque luxury preventing you from achieving early retirement. Just stand all time and invest the money in a low cost index fund instead. You can maybe afford a chair when your balance is is at $8 million, but I personally wouldnā€™t risk it.


I havenā€™t!

Okay, I guess I didā€¦kind off. I got a PCR test at urgent care in December in the states. The cost for administering the test was $50 or something. Apparently, thatā€™s just to administer the tests. Turns out that they contract to a testing center that anaylzes the sample that also charges a fee. I mean I knew it was coming but it still doesnā€™t make it bullshit.

I know there is a lot of competition, but healthcare is the worst part of America.




Probably a fair FYP, but tbh I think as bad as healthcare is for white people itā€™s even worse for everyone else, so the original point might stand no matter who you are.

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I would guess the healthcare industry contributes the most to total human misery, but I suppose that might not make it definitively the worst.


I watched a Frontline documentary on it earlier today and was in a bad place for a while. Total black pill.

My wife works in insurance and told me (it happened to her) that if you have your regular annual checkup, donā€™t mention anything thatā€™s bothering you because now the appointment has crossed over from preventative checkup to a specific appointment about an ailment. Last time she had hers, she mentioned something about some body part that was hurting and ended up getting a bill.

Iā€™m going to list off all my problems, anyway, since why make another appointment?


Did you see a film crew hopefully making new episodes of The Zoo - my favorite TV show?

Iā€™ve been to several different docs for physicals, asked all kinds of random shit and have never gotten a bill for it. Iā€™d snap get a new doc if that ever happened to me.

My most consistent complaint is peeing more often as I get older, and just want to confirm Iā€™m in the normal realm of that. In response, one doc had me drop my pants, grabbed my balls and was like, nah, you are fine. Free of chargeā€¦ Talk about extra service!


I donā€™t know, try to get prescribed pain medication as a POC.

Iā€™ve only been to the doctor like once in the last 18 or so years. It was a checkup and it was free and I think I mentioned possible issues. Kaiser.

Cost me like $60k in premiums though.


Didnā€™t see them, but the zooā€™s a big place.

Well, Iā€™ve been to the doctor and paid for medical stuff lots and lots of times, just not for myself. I think Kaiser is good about the checkups/preventative stuff. Not sure if itā€™s usually free or not. I have paid for a fair number of office visits for like $50.

($60k was my estimate just for me. Family is like $13k/year now. (Gone up a lot))

Nope. Same goes for the government. Itā€™s not easy to argue with skeptical people and be like, yeah, I know they lie and cheat, sometimes for money, sometimes because they think they canā€™t trust you with the truth, but this time you should listen.


Thatā€™s fair, but people avoid health care in general for a lot of reasons other than costsā€¦ but will still use cost as an excuse.

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Definitely noticing a big difference between where I work in Bergen County (still like 90% masks when I stopped by the mall today to grab something at lunchtime), and the significantly more rednecky area in northwest NJ where I live, where Iā€™d say masks have dropped by like 20% per day as word gets around that the local stores definitely arenā€™t requiring them on their own following the statewide lift. By next week I guarantee Iā€™ll be getting weird looks if Iā€™m still wearing one.

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