COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

The official death toll is now more than 180,000, up from 69,342, in a country of about 33 million people.

Prime Minister Violeta Bermudez said the number was increased on the advice of Peruvian and international experts.

This was in line with so-called excess deaths figures.

Excess deaths are a measure of how many more people are dying than would be expected based on the previous few years.

“We think it is our duty to make public this updated information,” Ms Bermudez said.


I don’t know about this data, but I remember the last time this came up, it included people who missed their 2nd appointment for any reason.

If it’s like that, I would show as having missed my 2nd dose twice because I cancelled my original 2nd appointment and scheduled one closer to me, which walgreens booked as a first dose with auto follow-up, so I cancelled the 2nd one again.

I read somewhere that being late on the 2nd dose may provide stronger protection overall, but not to skip it entirely!

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90% of people showing up for round 2 is better than I expected tbqh.

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I’m sure if it does turn out to have anything to do with a gain of function leak (which I suggested as a potential possibility many months ago), the apologies for calling me a conservative Fox News watching conspiracy theorist will start rolling in

Blaming public officials for people not getting round two of the vaccine seems dubious to me.

Does this go the other way if it isnt shown to be a lab leak or nah?

Also we have a whole separate thread for this.

Right. Rule #1 around here is NEVER blame public officials. Everything is ALWAYS the ignorant public’s fault. That’s the narrative which gets you beloved on unstuckpolitics

Should it turn out that scientists and experts and NGOs, etc. are villains rather than heroes of this story, we may very well see the expert-worshiping values of modern liberalism go up in a fireball of public anger.

Oh noes, what if people stopped listening to the professionals, can you even imagine?

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Sure. I’m always willing to admit when I’m wrong. But I brought it up as merely a hypothesis and got absolutely ridiculed

Didn’t know about the other thread as I don’t visit here much any more. Mods feel free to move it. But it’s an interesting read for those willing to

I thought the author made some salient points tho. There’s something to be said for sitting back and only trusting the highly educated talking heads, which (in my opinion) played a large role in Clinton’s 2016 loss among other things

Don’t expect much, as there’s nothing to substantial to support a leak hypothesis and even less to support ‘gain of function’ research as a cause.

Maybe the social media platforms that have been bombarding idiots with deranged anti-vaccine propaganda for years might be responsible for this? It’s hilarious that you think Fauci could make some kind of public “be sure to get that second dose!” statement and change a damn thing. As if Kroger isn’t already giving a handy card and email/text reminders to people.

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Follow through rate of 90% is amazing and expecting anything better is unrealistic.

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This is a weird take, public officials are criticized here all the time.


Yup… My last post itt was complaining about them just today on BBC R4 but whatever


Don’t like half of Americans fail to take a full course of antibiotics when they’re prescribed? There are some self-selection issues, but 90% of people showing up for round two is about as good as you’re ever going to get. Plus some of that might be people with transportation issues. I’m more irritated with the people who don’t bother getting round 1.

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I agree and don’t expect much either way. I just think it’s very dangerous to not question things when there is so much disinformation and the MSM clearly has a corporate agenda. Actually, what I think is even more dangerous is the act of eviscerating people who do