COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Yeesh, this thread the last couple of hours


Stop looking in my house


Looking like there may be no more veils in schools starting next Monday.

I mean not mandating veils is basically a political move at this point. By that time, thereā€™ll be two weeks of school left. Thereā€™s really no political downside to the decision.


Whoops used literal English translation of the Czech word

Masks obv

If itā€™s about Czechia, veils could also be right.

The Czech word that refers to masks, rouŔka, directly translates to veils but refers to masks in the context of COVID.

Anyway, a student tested positive for COVID yesterday and for some reason was permitted to stay at the school all day. My impression was that the rapid tests were done early morning and students who test positive would immediately be sent home. Either they werenā€™t instant or they foolishly didnā€™t send the student home.

In any case, theyā€™re ending the class quarantine despite that test. I wonder if weā€™ll be back to online classes within a week or so.


UK version is Public health-politicians/Media


Radio 4 at it againā€¦ :man_facepalming:

Ohā€¦ Yer pal said it differently yesterday on the same Radio programme

My parents came to visit for the long weekend, and we all went to the Bronx Zoo together yesterday. These were both huge positive milestones on the road back to normalcy.

On the other hand, my four-year-old son freaked the fuck out in the Uber on the way to the zoo. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s because he doesnā€™t remember the last time he rode in a car, so he didnā€™t understand that a car seat isnā€™t a punishment and that he doesnā€™t get to drive. Fairly minor in the grand scheme of things, but a reminder about how disruptive the pandemic has been to all sorts of normal developmental experiences.


Canada letting me choose if I want a second dose of AZ or switch to Pfizer for second dose. Switch seems like the +ev move right?


I think whatever you can get as quickly as possible is the right play.

For sure. Assuming they are both available I switch I think?

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What was youā€™re 1st Jab?

Mine was Pfizer and will be AZ for the 2nd


Az/Az was not on the chart Iā€™d seen, Iā€™m sure.

Iā€™m fairly sure Pfizer/Az combination is fairly high on the scale though so Iā€™m going for that.

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I traveled to DC/MD this weekend to attend an outdoor Bat Mitzvah. Not only did I get to hug my brother and SIL for the first time since December of 2019, I got to visit with all of my cousins and extended family who I hadnā€™t seen in an even longer time. Holy shit was that nice. Everyone there other than the two kids under 11 was vaccinated. I am still regularly reminded just how incredible these vaccines are and am eternally grateful to the people that have been working for decades to make them a reality.

Stopped at one street area on 95 (The Joe Biden Welcome Center!!!) and it was packed. Most crowded building Iā€™ve been in so far, but mask compliance was shockingly about 98%.

Not surprisingly, mask wearing in stores in my democratic and highly educated region of South Jersey is still very very high despite mandates being lifted on Friday.


Had a friend and his family over at our place this weekend.

Went downtown, played some board games. It seemed almost normal.


Can you really blame them? Who among us hasnā€™t received some bullshit medical bill at some point?


Every god damn year I get my ā€œfreeā€ physical from my Dr. thatā€™s a requirement to have my premiums lowered. And every god damn year I get some sort of $25-$50 bill for something they did during the physical and was coded so that it wasnā€™t covered, and I always end up going back and forth between the insurance co. and my Dr. to figure out what the fuck it was and why it wasnā€™t covered. And after several phone calls of no progress I just fucking give up and pay it because itā€™s only $50 or whatever. Thatā€™s the type of shit a privileged person deals with in the US health care system. I can only imagine the horrors the poor and uninsured deal with.

edit: and they took my insurance card when I got vaxxed. It would not surprise me if I got a weird bill and honestly if itā€™s small enough Iā€™d just pay it instead of dealing with the damn insurance Co again.