COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Also worth noting that the rate of Covid-19 decrease had leveled off a bit in the US the past week, but now it has started to pick up speed again, with cases down 39 percent week over week. I don’t know what level we’re going to stop at for the summer but it looks like it’s going to be pretty low. 7dma of cases less than 5k per day definitely not out of the question. Who was the poster that had the bet on the US not exceeding 300k cases a day again this year with Churchill? Because that looks like a pretty good fucking bet right now.

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I’m ignoring numbers until next week. Some states are literally just not reporting numbers for Memorial Day weekend and everything is going to get skewed. I think we are gonna level off around 15k cases a day, maybe slightly lower, but who knows. News very positive right now in USA.

We might have another “wave”, particularly this winter, but vaccination rates thankfully too high in many locales to return close to previous peaks barring some sort of vaccine breakthrough that we just aren’t seeing.

300k seems pretty dead. Even if we need boosters they aren’t that far away and USA gonna get first crack at vaccinating everyone.

I don’t think we’re ever going to exceed 50k cases in a single day, basically ever again.

Eh, I’m not comfortable saying that. Virus has just surprised too many places for me to comfortable we are done with waves.

Gun to head I would certainly bet worst is over in USA, but I won’t be shocked if next winter includes a wave and some mitigation (better word choice)

Prof Gupta told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme the UK was already in a third wave of infections and at least three quarters of cases were the variant identified in India.

He said: “Of course the numbers of cases are relatively low at the moment - all waves start with low numbers of cases that grumble in the background and then become explosive, so the key here is that what we are seeing here is the signs of an early wave.”

However, he said the number of people who had been vaccinated in the UK meant this wave would probably take longer to emerge than previous ones.

“There may be a false sense of security for some time, and that’s our concern.”

This weeks data will be bs with the holiday.

Maybe on a day to day basis, but it’ll even out over the 7dma. The news is good either way.

Also NY just reported less then 500 new cases in a day for the first time since god knows when, March 16th 2020 maybe? Positivity only .69 percent.

there’s no way to tell if you’re in the ‘early stages of exponential growth’ that’s nonsense.

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But Prof Gupta - a member of the government’s New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (Nervtag) - said ending restrictions in June should be delayed “by a few weeks whilst we gather more intelligence”.

Your response is not relevant to my post.

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Every short term linear looking trend is possibly an exponential trend in early stages.

I will say this - humanity is permanently in the early stages of the next catastrophe!


Another nominee

Conservative pastor Rick Wiles has apparently fallen ill with COVID-19 after condemning the vaccines that fight the disease, baselessly claiming they’re being used to carry out a “global genocide.”

Wiles—the founder of the conspiracy-promoting TruNews website and the senior pastor of Flowing Streams Church in Florida—asserted on this show in late April that he would not get vaccinated against COVID-19 and would survive the “global genocide.”

“I am not going to be vaccinated,” he said. "I’m going to be one of the survivors. I’m going to survive the genocide.”


That is me.

Driving back on the NY thruway. Most people without masks in the service area I would peg as Trump voters and unvaccinated. The percentage of people unmasked in general on my vacation to Maine probably correlates negatively with vaccination rate. Shocking I know.

As JT mentioned it earlier ITT…

Vietnam has detected a Covid variant that appears to be a combination of the Indian and UK variants and can spread quickly by air, officials say.

There’s also an Ontario license plate here which is something I haven’t seen in a very long time. Love seeing my brothers and sisters from across the pond of Ontario again

Yeah, so news flash, but variants don’t work that way. They don’t “combine” to create super variants. At best that’s a wildly irresponsible article title.

Edit: One thing I have learned ITT is that BBC is apparently trash at medical/science reporting. I wouldn’t have guessed that.


Oh like every other fucking covid.