COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Just have your phone ready to be recording video in case there’s a major Karen incident on your flight.


The health care workers who have to deal with these assholes when they fill up ERs complaining that they can’t have Covid-19 because its a hoax, the people that are not getting health care because resources are being tied up treating deplorable Covid cases, there’s probably more. Its nice to imagine that willfully unvaccinated people are only going to hurt themselves but thats probably not the case.



I know I’m vaccinated and all but maybe choosing not to work in the UK this summer (or at all for that matter) was a good idea.


It’s too dam warm today, especially with driving around in the heat, ideally I’d like to wear only a pair of budgie smugglers and sandals as it would be most comfortable, so why the fuck can I not, huh, #bastards.

What? I still have my seatbelt on, ffs.

The Pfizer and Moderna trials did show facial paralysis as a side effect but the incidence rate is very low and actually pretty hard to isolate from the normal run rate. Apparently 1 in 10,000 people gets Bells palsy every year anyway.

So the trip to Europe is back on?

Nope, canceled that one. Vegas!


Riverman Vegas TR?



Some people who got vaccinated as soon as they could have not gotten their second shot yet, let alone plus two weeks.

This was my entire argument why the CDC directive was dumb. We are not actually past the point of everyone who wanted a shot has gotten it plus two weeks. I would say end of June would be a safe estimate for that to be fully met. But it has not been met.

I have helped a lot of people get shots and I know several still between first two who did not drag their feet.


It seems like the criticism of the CDC’s guidance changes should be tempered by the fact that cases continue to decline very steadily.

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Its infuriating because you have about half the country getting vaccinated in a 3 month window. I imagine if you take a sample of 100 million people in any 3 month window you are going to find a handful who develop rare unexplainable illnesses. But in this 3 month window certain people will rush to blame it all on the vaccine.


The US recorded only 7,428 cases yesterday and 131 deaths, both basically the lowest since the pandemic started (when testing wasn’t capturing all cases). Also the NYtimes map has more and more counties across the country with zero recorded cases for long stretches of time. If we can increase vaccination just a little more it really looks like it will burn itself down, not herd immunity, but to really low levels at least.

@Riverman, in response to your post earlier in this thread about why vaccinated people should have to wear masks on airplanes because “everyone can be vaccinated who wants to now,” you are forgetting about children under the age of 12 who might have to fly. They can’t get the vaccine yet and it’s not fair for some deplorable anti-vaxxer anti-masker to infect them, so the safest thing to do right now is still require everyone to mask in enclosed situations like mass transit, because the deplorables will absolutely lie about their vaccination status. I haven’t seen my extended family in two years and we are toying with flying with my two young ones this summer, who will have a 2/3 chance of having the pfizer vaccine because of the trial they are in, but only if the mask mandate is still in place for everyone.


When all children are VAX approved + 2 weeks, I have no problem dropping mask mandates everywhere. I will say though that there is still a problem for the immunocompromised. My Mother In Law is an organ transplant survivor. She is double vaccinated, but the science right now is pretty grim for her, in that the vaccines don’t seem to work in people like her, because she’s on so many immuno-suppressants all the time. I would bet that a large amount of the vaccine “breakthrough” cases we are seeing with people who end up hospitalized are people like her. I do think we should try to come up with like ADA-compliant solutions for people like her. Like, there should be an isolated section on airplanes for people like her, etc. etc.

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Isn’t it really all 12 year olds, period? Of course 12 year olds that are flying are most at risk, but all the deplorables circulating mask free are keeping the virus circulating everywhere not just at the airport. So actions to suppress deplorable spread will protect 12 year olds at airports and elsewhere.


Yes, I agree.

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I played tennis with a Pfizer guy a couple of weeks back. He said the antigen sequences are essentially identical. Formulations are a bit difference (hence the freeze temp required).

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75/24! Do they have cooling shelters in Glascow? Make sure and stay hydrated!


Go :point_left: GlasGo


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