COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Holy shit.

The ā€œthese vaccines donā€™t have full FDA approvalā€ argument is a common one made by the antivax crowd. As if these people will be lining up in droves once the full approval is given. I know nothing about the approval process but a Google search shows they could get it by the end of the year. Have fun delaying your firing a few more months.


I wonder about the overlap between Vax not approved by the FDA Iā€™m not taking it and hydrocloroquine is a miracle cure everyone should at least try it.


I believe the word you are looking for is concentric.




My university friends (10 of us on the call)had a zoom chat back 6 months ago over the holidays. Everyone was super excited for the vaccine except the fucking urologist who did a fellowship at John Hopkins who said he believed in herd immunity. I was roommates with this guy for two years and canā€™t believe how much dumber he is than the rest of my friends when it comes to medical stuff outside his specialty despite being the only MD of the group.

His views may have changed in the last 6 months and one person asked for clarification on why and he said it was too early. I did respond and mention (thanks to Unstuck) my knowledge that the vaccine was a very simple one that was created two days after the genetic code for covid 19 was made public and the rest of the time it has just been testing and trials to ensure safety and efficacy.

Dudeā€™s wife is a family doctor and she seemed to have much better and more advanced views on general medical theories.


There is an easy way out of that apparent contradiction. Hydroxychloroquine is FDA approved. Not for COVID, but itā€™s safety in humans has been established in the manner required for all approved drugs. Chessmate, libtard.

I also think the ā€œdonā€™t have FDA approvalā€ argument is fine, if and only if they will get it once that comes. Of course, they wonā€™t. But if someone actually would, I donā€™t think it is that unreasonable a position (but I do still think it is wrong).

I thought these folks moved on to ivermectin as the miracle cure?

Went to the store for the first time in months today. Still about 80 percent masks. Most businesses have dropped the requirements so just down to personal preference at this point. TD garden back to full capacity without many masks though so if a variant gets loose, not sure it matters much.

Got my first AZ shot at my local GP. Funny how an outbreak in Melbourne suddenly gets everyone to make appointments. Survived the 15 min wait. Now just need to avoid those clots.


I am going to assume clots are indigenous 6 foot venomous flying spiders.


Donnie Dumb Dumb was right, its just going to dissappear by itself, its a miracle! I am very grateful to all the religious people and their numerous thoughts and prayers that got us here. :pray: :pray: :pray:


First world problem, but why the hell do I have to wear a mask in an airport or on a flight? Iā€™m fully vaccinated, what is the point of this nonsense? I care close to zero about the inconvenience of this, it just seems stupid unless Iā€™m missing something (very possible obviously).

At this point isnā€™t it just to coerce unvaccinated deplorables from running around airports with no mask?

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Basically you donā€™t want a shit ton of people lying about being vaccinated so they donā€™t have to wear a mask and that pissing and fighting when they get caught lying.

Best to just have everyone wear masks and avoid the headache.

So after 15 months of acting like a fucking adult the deplorables win again. I figured as much.


Itā€™s basically erring on the side of caution and enforceability.

  • It is still possible for vaccinated people to catch and transmit Covid. Itā€™s a much, much lower rate than non-Vaxxed, but it still exists.

  • Once you lift the mandate for vaxxed individuals you either have to operate on the honor system (which means lots of unvaxxed stop wearing masks too), or you have to set up some system where airport personnel and flight attendants have to approach unmasked people and determine their vaccination status (which means both lots of unmasked unvaxxed people because there is no way to effectively monitor every individual in a busy airport AND more confrontations in airports and on planes as passengers will inevitably push back on being asked to provide proof of vaccination).

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Yeah, pretty much this. If we had an ounce of political courage we would allow people to go maskless with proof of vax, and if someone is caught at the airport with no mask and no vax its a $1,000 fine and no air travel for a month.

Americans gleefully rushed to create a national no fly list for everyone named Mohammed but wonā€™t tell a single Karen that they canā€™t kill other people to go on vacation. 'Merica.


I mean, who is the potential ā€œvictimā€ here? If you havenā€™t been vaccinated, thatā€™s on you for being a fucking moron. I donā€™t see why I should have any obligation to endure literally any discomfort to protect anyone too fucking selfish and dumb to just get the damn shot.


Iā€™m flying to Vegas tomorrow. Excited about the trip, but dreading the flight, even more than usual. The mask thing would be an interesting test case. Iā€™ve tried to find the most comfortable masks possible, but they are what they are. I donā€™t actually think Iā€™ll mind so much for the actual flight as much as I will for the long walks through the airport.