COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Just the Sacklers.

Sacklers 100% did, but America got itself addicted to meds by being a bunch of fatasses - myself included.


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Ventured into my first store today without a mask, the local cigar shop. Even though I haven’t smoked one in like 5 years I knew that place would be the perfect store to test it out without being super anxious since the only person in there besides me was the owner and I knew he’d judge me more for wearing one than not. And no, the irony was not lost on me that I was buying a product that kills your lungs while spending the last 15 months avoiding something that does the same.

So the post is about you and your experience? Sorry about the diarrhea. Sounds like something you ate and not covid.

Guess that Facebook post didn’t work.

So much for the tolerant left.

So the CDC actually did make their no more masks decision because they were anticipating behavioral changes in the public.

They just failed miserably in two different massive ways. GGcdc

I like these idiots act like if the FDA approved it they would be okay with it.

Sure thing Dr. Feelgood. Enjoy your free dinner with the pharma rep lady.

I don’t get those :frowning:

In med school though I was on an ortho rotation that held a “journal club” at Ruth’s Chris sponsored by a device manufacturer. Everyone got two free steaks and four beers. That was awesome

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This is one way to abolish the police but it’s going to take a while.

Pretty happy that my first thought from reading that poop story is the most upvoted comment.

Taiwan just flew in 150,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine. The flight altered it’s route to avoid flying over China.


Gonna be fun when a Supreme Court case about this ends up the deciding issue of the 2022 midterm elections.


Narrator: It wasn’t fun.


I’m more worried about the scotus case that says you can’t be fired for political beliefs even if those beliefs are people with brown skin shouldn’t exist.

I guess it will be amusing watching Alito and Thomas twist themselves into knot trying to say that discrimination against gays and lesbians is fine since they aren’t a protected class, but discrimination against MAGA dipshits is definitely not fine since they are clearly a protected class.

Well, it will mostly be depressing, but in a vacuum it would be amusing.

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Just learned about this anti-vax trend.

Living a life as free of resentment as possioble is pretty crucial to my sobriety. Boy do I hope I don’t run across somebody wearing one of these in person.


My 2 year old son just wore his mask in public today. I am the proudest father right now.