COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Well, I’m glad you came around and got vaxxed. Better late than never.

You are not wrong historically, where many old time vaccines were based on weakened versions of the pathogens and could cause minor illness, but none of the current covid vaccines have any possibility of causing an infection. I don’t actually think any contemporary vaccines for any disease are of the historical sort that they can cause an infection. They might cause an immune response that can have you feeling crappy for a day or so, but that is not an infection. Glad you came around and got it done. There is never any shame in changing one’s mind for the better. Everyone has ignorance and misconception. Not everyone gets past those.


Bad polio batch with live virus was in the ‘50s and folks still bring it up.

What folks don’t bring up so much these days: polio.


This just proves how good the deep state liberal communists are at hiding their insidious plans.

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Essential workers weren’t a priority. We were in the free for all phase.

This is a very good post and I wish I could like it twice. @bestof


Sometimes I see talk of water polio but usually 21st century prep school

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What state? They were one of the earliest phases here - immediately after the healthcare and super elderly groups.

New Hampshire. I assumed all states were the same. My bad

I may have a bad read here but I think Bryce was saying they were worried about getting symptoms that would cause them to miss work.

You know, because essential workers typically can’t afford to miss work.


I was fortunate. I felt fine the day after until about 2pm when I started getting tired and achy. Plowed through the next couple of hours. Had a 99 fever when I got home and slept ten hours and felt great the following day

As an essential worker in MN i wasn’t eligible until mid-late March. People eligible before me:

Health care
Elderly care workers and residents
Child care workers
People 65+
People with high risk conditions
Food processing plant workers

Dogs rule!

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My dog would be so bad at this. 99.9% “false positives” because the person had some cheese.


Got my kiddo scheduled


I could have sworn I heard something recently saying that efficacy on the Pfizer vaccine was way better with a longer gap between doses, did I imagine that? They made me wait a full four weeks between mine (Moderna).

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I’m not aware of any RCT like that.

it’s my understanding that pharma companies are all testing out booster shots right now in anticipation of needing it next winter. at what point people are just going to start going to get vaccinated again, instead of waiting for cdc/fda to say something?

I posted the tweet upthread saying just that… Give me 5 mins and I’ll find it

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