COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Just got my shot (mb, Canada). Get the special waiting area with the nice chairs because I’m allergic to penicillin.

Facility is this brand new indoor soccer place where I usually play, it’s huge and there are hundreds of ppl cycling through.


About time our premier got the same hate nationwide Ford does.


Yup counting on that $129. Nothing else saved.

I joke that will be a medicine co-pay when I retire.

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Pre pandemic he was most known for having a multi million dollar vacation home in Costa Rica he spent months at each year with some not great accounting done on those finances.

Amazing. I’m at an outdoor amusement park with no masks required, mask usage is less than 1% and there are still people with them below their nose.

Found this at my desk at school. Was clearly put there months ago. Yes that’s a fucking nose hole.

This shit is why the Czech Republic was so terrible at one point.

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Anyone saying you just got a shot, please name the country.

I only got my first shot last week in Ontario (in Socialist Paradise Canada). I was not eligible until the week before and then the province made a big push to vaccinate ahead of our long weekend. Hopefully it works, absent the surge in vaxxing I would expect a huge increase in spread following irresponsible social activity over the long weekend but I think we may have got enough needles in arms.

“plastic wall” “breathe free”

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Ústenka is mouthpiece (or mouthguard) in Czech. I have no idea how that fits in with a plastic barrier around one’s face though since it doesn’t guard anything at all. Probably would be more sensible to just use roušky, the Czech word for mask.

interesting. “stenka” is “wall” in russian and i think ukranian/belarusian. my eyes sorta glanced over the “u”, but “ust” is the root for an older word for “lips”, so now it totally makes

can’t really make sense of the words in top left.

  • “mobile”?
  • “impenetrable”
  • “washable”?
  • “disposable”?

Sayonara Olympics?

No one in the IOC is going to back down at this point. There’s too much money at stake. It’s going to take major world leaders banning travel to Japan, and I don’t see that happening either.

Shot one for our youngest is in the arm. That will make everyone in the family done in three weeks


The U.S. just took a first step toward doing that. And if the U.S. backs out, the whole house of cards will come tumbling down.

The US isn’t going to ban their athletes from the Olympics.

Just way too much corporate money at stake and the US attitude towards COVID at this point is “We gave you vaccines, you should take them. Otherwise sounds like a you problem”

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I signed up for one of these things. I don’t think it was Dr. B though.

I hear you, but if that’s really the attitude, why the need for a travel advisory?

Hard to say (although I have a few ideas), but the US won’t be the ones that start the snowball rolling and do not travel zone won’t even require an offsite quarantine upon return home. US athletes haven’t really had any issues traveling to compete during COVID since the real early days. I think the Olympics are a bad idea given Japan’s lack of vaccinations, but will be pretty shocked if the US backs out and kills it.

What took you so long? Aren’t you an essential worker? Maybe I’ve got you mixed up with someone else.