COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Up until last week, my grocery store in NH was 98+% masked.

Today it was closer to 75% masks, and at least a couple of employees were unmasked.

Japan still 99% masked, 1% vaxxed.

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Noticed several people at the grocery store today ā€œwearingā€ masks but they were around their chins. Why even bother at that point? Probably 50-65% of customers masked (suburban Kroger).

Non-white mask rate 100%
Trump shirt-wearing mask rate 0% (sample size: 2 deplorables)


Iā€™m an uneducated moron but I will say I am baffled at the lack of excitement and celebration of these mRNA vaccines. Things would be so bad without these vaccines.


Social media anti science brainwashing has forced the narrative to be a defense of the vaccines against laughable but powerful accusations. Welcome to the 2020s.

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Some in the UK worried about the new variant and letting our guard down too early

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Hannaford is no longer requiring masks if youā€™re vaccinated, employees included. I did not have a single front end associate over the weekend go maskless. For a bunch of them, Iā€™m sure itā€™s a peer pressure thing and if everyone else is doing it they donā€™t want to be the first. Iā€™m about five days away from being two weeks out but Iā€™ll be keeping my mask on for the foreseeable future



My tennis opponent this weekend works at Pfizer. Before this he said no one knew what Pfizer was. Obv that had changed. Awesome tech and execution.

Funny thing, I never worked for Pfizer, but my former company get bought and sold a couple of times and I have Pfizer pension. Due $129/mo when I reach retirement.


Huh? Theyā€™re a massive pharmaceutical company.


Iā€™m surprised the lady who invented these mRNA vaccines isnā€™t being actively targeted by the anti-vaccine squad.

I have been trying for months to come up with a ā€œI was a big fan of their early workā€ Pfizer joke based on my recovery from Xanax addiction, but have not been able to nail it.


Their little blue pill might be able to help with that


Seems like this makes the plan to stretch the time between shots 1 and 2 to be highly questionable.

That question has been asked on our National politics show every week ā€˜Question timeā€™ and they lie about the numbers every weekā€¦ Yesterday we got the health secretary tell the National News on Sky TV that more than 60 million people have had their 2nd shot, population of the UK is just under 70 million. :grin::speak_no_evil:

No presenter questioned that figure. :mask:

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JACC study is right :crazy_face:

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Japanese must have special skin being able to tolerate all that mask wearing.

They have definitely been quickly taken for granted.

So you are big Covid Dan?