COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Nobody takes him seriously. He’s trolling at this point.

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Holy undercounting Batman.


Damn copycats

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Gubna claims that she only cribbed the scholarships from OH and had the lottery idea already in the works, lol. jlawok.gif.

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Yip. New study out this morning is good news.

However, both vaccines were only 33% effective against the Indian variant three weeks after the first dose.

This compared with 50% effectiveness against the Kent variant.

The Pfizer vaccine was found to be 88% effective at stopping symptomatic disease from the Indian variant two weeks after the second dose, compared with 93% effectiveness against the Kent variant.

The AstraZeneca jab was 60% effective against the Indian variant, compared with 66% against the Kent variant.

Public Health England (PHE) said the difference in effectiveness between the vaccines after two doses might be explained by the fact that rollout of second doses of AstraZeneca was later than for the Pfizer vaccine, which was approved first.

Other data shows it takes longer to reach maximum effectiveness with the AstraZeneca vaccine, PHE said.

Some 12,675 genome-sequenced cases were included in the study, which took place between 5 April and 16 May. Only 1,054 of those cases were of the Indian variant, known as B.1.617.2.

That, of course, doesn’t make what you wrote correct. You, again, just demonstrated that you have no idea what you’re saying or reading. It’s pathetic honestly


Remember, remember at the beginning of corona Covid when you couldn’t find “household supplies” anywhere?

Now we need to boost shots in red states. Slavery is illegal so what else could we try?

Free Cracker Barrel? BOGO Oxys? Two tickets to largest ball of yarn exhibit?

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You do know you are making England look like incompetent twits here right?

I’ll take a study with real world mixture of different vaccines and variants that shows a 99.98 efficacy against acquiring the virus at all. Does England have one of those?

“Incompetent twits” is actually a very good description of modern England.


At a certain point Churchill’s willful ignorance is just anti-vaxx propaganda. I’d say he should be forced to be quiet but knowing this place that would require a few thousand posts debating it, several rounds of votes, a runoff election, a few subcommittees, etc.


Using this post as a bookmark but also to post some alarming tweets from today as our UK government is not to be trusted anymore than you would trust Trump and its rather confusing for people in my education level.

This might be of interest to most here

It seems the people in the know here are worried about the varients and that the Indian varient is 50% more transmissible and that is the worry.

5 million holidays have been booked abroad too :see_no_evil:

Depressing to say the least.


Agreed. One post he indicates that effectiveness of the mRNA vaccines is down to 72 percent, which is lolbad, he gets called out, and ignores it. The next post he posts a study saying “see I was right!” And said study says that the mRNA vaccines are 88 percent effective, not in general, but against the much feared Indian variant. It is just straight trolling disinformation.

The current population of U.K. in 2021 is 68,207,116, a 0.47% increase from 2020. The population of U.K. in 2020 was 67,886,011, a 0.53% increase from 2019. › GBR
U.K. Population 1950-2021 | MacroTrends

Is it 60 million doses total?

He said both, as in 2 doses given out to 1 person on live TV today & it was not questioned.

The UK atm is worse than at any stage of trumpism, and that’s a fact.


So if NPR is reporting this, it’s going to be a thing:

And it’s going to be super fucking annoying.

POTS is a garbage bin diagnosis. You get to it by ruling out everything else, then saying it must be this based on a vital sign response that frequently happens to normal people. It has come in and out of fashion a few times like chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic lyme, and fibromyalgia.

The treatment part of the article is pretty funny. They try to make a big deal of a medication that is supposed to control heart rates as lowering heart rates. I take a beta blocker too guys we’ve cracked that code.

Also this:

The drug has helped Minhas, the nurse in San Diego, although she pays for it out of pocket because her insurance company denied coverage.

Is bait. There’s no medical basis for this treatment and there’s plenty of medications that slow heart rates.


Patients can use ivabradine as “a bridge,” explains Taub, who is the author of the JACC study and has been a consultant to Amgen, a pharmaceutical company that makes the drug.

This is my shocked face.

For instance, research shows that POTS patients tend to have a lower than normal level of plasma and red blood cells. Patients with these symptoms might benefit from fludrocortisone, which helps to expand blood volume.

Orthostatic hypotension in the setting of anemia is normal. Fludrocortisone is not an appropriate treatment for this the vast majority of the time. It doesn’t fix the anemia but will retain fluids. Your kidneys are really fucking good and keeping your fluid status in line.

Now maybe this will actually be a real something, it’s obviously too early to tell. However, you should be deeply skeptical of anyone linking this kind of diagnosis to covid.


US case rates continue plummeting. We will almost surely pass our May 2020 lows within the next week.

Only question now is whether a southern summer wave or variant issues cause future problems. My money is on cases will never again climb to 20,000 per day again once they drop below it.