COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

This guy meats.

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Yes and we can be sure LoLAmerica so therefore the odds schools open with the appropriate safety measures are very low and ergo should not have been opened during a raging pandemic.

Also remember that community incidence is a key if not the key factor of how safe all kinds of activities are.

The first VOC was announced Dec 2020 - thatā€™s 6 months

And yeah, in that time Pfizer 's effectiveness has dropped from 90% ish to about 72%. Not yet tested in the real world with regard to Indian variant.

The press here use the word ā€˜dodgeā€™ - this can be in whole or part.

I only report the variant lloking like they may make Variant of Concern (VOC), which they all have to date. Donā€™t give a monkeys if they donā€™t concern you fella.

Dr Kev Smith, from PHE, said scientists had been watching and sequencing the variant since the ā€œstrange combination of mutationsā€ were spotted a few weeks ago.

A ā€œvariant under investigationā€ is one that acquires mutations that give it the potential to spread more easily, cause more severe disease or evade immunity from vaccines or previous infection.

This new variant - one of eight under investigation - will now be monitored to see how it spreads and analysed in the laboratory.

It would only be designated a ā€œvariant of concernā€ - like forms of the virus first detected in Kent, India and South Africa - if scientists conclude it does pose a heightened threat.

The origin of this variant - also known as AV.1 - is unclear. There have also been cases detected in Greece and Chad.

Has been for a while. At least significant parts of it are extremely red.

Interesting around 4 per million vaccinated died while the blood clot freak out was 50% higher than that but still only 6 out of a million.

Anyways I was happy to see the LA county numbers. Pretty encouraging. Also seems like the vaccines are not struggling with variants at the moment.

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Did my weekly shopping and errands today per usual, and I was surprised to see that some venues were already relaxing their mask mandates. I was surprised, because no one seemed to be in much of a hurry to ditch them, but we are getting close to single digit daily new cases per 100,000 people state wide and close to the vaccination prevalence thresholds the governor put up. I still wore mine for all for today.

Which of the following places do you think have dropped their mask mandates now (listed in the order I visited them)
  • Open air farmerā€™s market
  • Safeway
  • H mart (Korean grocery store)
  • Chase branch
  • Costco

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Farmerā€™s market (no surprise) and Costco (I was really surprised). Still about 90-95% of the people inside were masked. The sign announcing the change was pretty small, so I suspect a lot of people just hadnā€™t seen it. I definitely was judging the one or two families I saw who were all unmasked and with obviously unvaccinated kids who were somewhere between age 2 and 12.

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But itā€™s from England the center of Covid knowledge universe so it must be correct.

Itā€™s not a million dollars though.


I went to Costco today in a reasonably diverse (for non-Detroit) area of MI and it was about 75% masked with literally every non-masker being a 40+ white person.

Using my live poker quickreads on them, Iā€™d say ~65% of those people looked like non-dumbfucks who are probably vaxxed and the other 35% might have some vaxxers but Iā€™d lay 3-1 that they didnā€™t vote for Biden.


Iā€™ve felt for a while that heā€™s a closet anti-vaxxer, what with his ā€œthe variants all make the vaccines worthless anywayā€ bullshit. I know you disagree with me, but this is just more evidence.

This is absolute hogwash bullshit and honestly you should eat a ban for this level of disinformation.

CVS gave me a 20% off coupon (excluding alcohol) when i was vaxxed. I shopped for household supplies during the 15 minute waiting period.

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Iā€™m playing poker today for the first time since pre-covid. Itā€™s such a nice experience with the current rules. 7 handed. I actually like the plexiglass giving me a defined space and the design here doesnā€™t really get in the way at all. Floor sanitizing after a player gets up. Masks required so Iā€™m not smelling smoke (which isnt even allowed inside now) or the gross old guy next to me. Iā€™d be pretty happy if it stayed like this indefinitely but Iā€™m sure this will all go back to normal in a couple weeks.

This is just wrong. Just plain wrong.

Where does that 72% come from? Isnā€™t that the one dose number?

Iā€™d post a gif of where he might have pulled it from, but I think Iā€™d have to ban myself for it.


This is just wrong. Itā€™s deep red historically but now is mainly blue. 54/44 biden win in 2020. Two house seats did flip back to gop, including one to an asian lady, young kim, who voted to impeach.

There are red pockets here and there, but they are not really city sized.

Yā€™all need some self-control and block churchill. It has definitely improved my experience here.


Allowing disinformation about covid and the vaccines to stand unchallenged is dangerous. His vax-minimization alarmism could discourage lurkers from getting vaxxed.

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