COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Not saving the 7* kids with the 1,000,000 (2m inc 2nd dose) vaccines it will take and maybe sending them somewhere that hasn’t vaccinated 60yrs old yet, like India… I dunno


NB - you refer to ‘kids’ - the article is English (UK) and refers to ‘Children’

+12yrs getting a relatively small benefit… under 12’s?? that’s what I’m talking (the UK will vaccinate 12-18yr old’s - ‘teenagers’)

The only reason US wants to vaccination kids (i.e. under 12’s to babies) will be to attempt herd immunity - need the numbers

Goodnight - not rising to CN anymore

What other benefit can you think of from vaccinating those children?

hint: I admitted a 30 something mom two days ago

Story of Churchill’s life.

Was she vaccinated?

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Churchill you are like Pavlovs dog on the kid thing. 0 credibility in span of two posts where you contradict yourself.

Nope, can you tell me how that changes anything?


I was just curious.

You all should just carry on.

Could she prove it if she was? (no, a 7-11 receipt of purchase aint gonna cut the mustard)

People in Scotland travelling to a foreign country can download the vaccination status forms from the NHS Scotland Portal.

They show the dates of vaccinations and which jabs were given to an individual.

But a security glitch means vaccination status details can be altered using popular computer software programmes.

BBC Scotland was able to download a certificate and edit it to include a false name and the address of the BBC’s Glasgow headquarters.

Covid status certificates have been trialled in England since mid-April.

The UK government previously said such a scheme could have an important role to play both domestically and internationally and was “likely to become a feature of our lives until the pandemic recedes”.

pdf editor strikes again

In my system, yes. Answer the question churchill. What’s a benefit of vaccinating children that you are simply refusing to address?

You seem to dodge anyone else q’s and demand we answer the mighty one.

Dad can get the older ones ready for school. Mum’s already been breast feeding the younger one for weeks so he’ll have it too. Doesn’t matter that she’s an anti-vaxxer. The Us will vacinnate them at school to get round that.

I mean you’re probably gonna say they safe to go to school but they’re already doing that everywhere else in the world, bar say India and a few oter select countries.

Other than that, I ain’t no sherlock

Got this from Safeway today. Hopefully it will get some shots in arms for folks who haven’t gotten around to it yet, or who need a little incentive.

Get Your Groceries and Vaccines All in One Place

Walk in or schedule your COVID-19 vaccine online and we’ll give you 10% off of your groceries.** The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has been authorized for emergency use to ages 12+ and is now being offered in most pharmacies, along with the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines***.


How in the world is it dodging to directly say that you don’t know the answer to the question?

And the benefit is that children being vaccinated slows spread and makes it less likely for this woman’s kid to get covid (which the daughter had and likely got from her school).

It’s not that you’re not a Sherlock, it’s that you continually troll this thread with dishonest nonsense.

Did they put a cap on the 10%? I would load up on meat for the freezer at 90c on the dollar lol.

more offers here…

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I checked the email again and it just says “restrictions apply.” I did a similar offer when I got my flu shot last fall and it was limited to a $200 grocery order, so a max savings of $20. Still, money is money!

She should have had a jab - i hope you didn’t let her leave without one - I hear there’s an oversupply at the moment, probably so large that jabs are being wasted, given the marketing has shifted from ‘never waste a shot’ to ‘never waste an arm’. Open 6, spend 1, not a problem.

‘probably, likely, might have done’

Lost now. How many daughters, kids does this woman have? If just the one, WOW how lucky was this lady that her kid (daughter) did not give it to her - despite you reading countless studies of there being no evidence that adults with children (at school) were more likely to contract covid and / or die than those without kids at all - studies showed no increase in likelihood.

US must vaccinate 60,000,000 under 14’s with 120,000,000 doses, as opposed to another country or two, so this 30yr old mum who didn’t get covid, might not get covid.

Pretty rich hearing the guy that paraded around articles for the last 1.5 years about how the new variant MIGHT elude the vaccines and MAYBE was going to kill everyone is not about that wild speculation.


It is just Safeway, though. I’ve found the meat quality there to be just OK.

Now if it were Costco meat, then you back up the truck and load it up.


I think one line from the introduction captures a lot of the debate in this thread:

The above discussion highlights a key distinction: the consensus that schools can open safely with low community spread and proper safeguards is not the same as saying that all schools are opening safely.

I think sometimes people were talking a little past each other, with one side saying “Yes, it looks like schools can open safely”, and others saying “Well, it looks like schools aren’t opening safely.”

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