COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

It’s unfortunate there is nothing countries can do to protect those not vaccinated yet but it is what it is.

Pretty sure it is a lottery ticket or an aide/intern to molest.

Can’t blame Governor Reynolds. Just following the science.

Pretty sure for most of the history of mankind it was.

Sorry all I thought I could let it go but triggered myself again, I will bow out a bit and try again tomorrow.

The only positive in a fully vaccinated person I’ve seen was a guy admitted for a diabetic foot wound. He did fine.

ICUs will take forever to clear, especially since it seems like no one will trach these patients. GL man.

Not sure if I qualify since I support continued mask mandates for a little while longer. But if there were no vaccine and no hope of imminent vaccine success I wouldn’t support continued mask mandates for much longer anyway. At that point we’ve failed, we’re never locking down hard enough to eradicate the thing, so my preferred course of action would be just let it rip. We certainly aren’t masking up forever.

Thankfully we don’t live in such a world.

Proud of my alma mater

Hoo Hoo!

Luckily it likely doesnt matter, but we cant wear masks for years so we have to kill millions instead would have been a bad choice IMO.


Very disappointed to see that only 1/3 of my age range is vaccinated considering how many of them I see going to restaurants and bars right now.

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I never disagreed that the ideal line is to wait longer, I just disagree that the difference would be very meaningful.

If there are no vaccines obviously I support indefinite mask usage.

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My kid’s high school is on the campus of Cal State Los Angeles. Rumor has it that CSULA is going to require students to be vaccinated to attend next year, which would also apply to the high school. Very pleased about that, and very interested to see what my kid’s girlfriend’s anti-vaxx mother does. My early guess would be that she goes with the tried-and-true strategy of lying.

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I don’t think the vaxxed going bare faced matters in and of itself from a spread rate standpoint. It’s all the damn unvaxxed people that won’t wear be wearing face condoms letting it continue to circulate.

(And yes I retain some level of worry about mutant selection, especially with those that are partial immunes- those that didn’t have strong vaxx response or are counting on waning natural immunity).


Yeah, and it still is. Being too vigilant is actually kind of vestigial and a result of evolution amongst our species. The idea that people are “not vigilant enough,” or that it’s not a core human skill is silly. They’re too vigilant, often about the wrong things.

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I’ve been thinking about the math behind this.

Let’s assume that being vaccinated has more or less the same benefit as masking up, that if we enforced the unvaccinated wearing masked while allowing the vaccinated to roam free, that would be as safe as making everyone wear masks.

If the wearing of masks has some small, non-zero cost, we reach some inflection point where enough people have become vaccinated that the overall total cost of the vaccinated wearing masks becomes greater than the cost of additional measures that the unvaccinated would have to take to protect themselves in a mostly unmasked world. At that point, it theoretically makes sense to ask the unvaccinated the make a greater sacrifice. Of course, while that may maximize societal EV, that would not necessarily maximize fairness, especially if those who are unvaccinated are more likely to be economically disadvantaged and less able to bear the cost of shifting the burden onto them to protect themselves rather than for society as a whole to sacrifice for the greater good.

But if the goal was the vaccinate enough people to reach some target, such as herd immunity, there is at least a theoretical case that it’s not necessary to enforce a mask mandate until that target is reached. Of course, it would be fair to do some redistributive justice to compensate those who want to protect themselves while waiting to be fully vaccinated.

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Does a high schooler need parental permission to get a shot? I’m wondering if these poor kids with anti-vax parents are out of luck or can just get one anyway.

The good news is this is almost certainly true.


I’m pretty sure in most states if they’re under 18, then they do.

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Essentially no one can spread anything without getting infected (basic germ theory). Vaccinated people are much less likely to get infected (proven). Vaccinated people, when infected, have much lower viral loads than the unvaccinated on average (proven). Vaccinated people therefore should by much less prone to spread infection even when they themselves are infected compared to unvaccinated infected people, on average (basic germ theory).