COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Lmao you sent me a pm which seemed like an olive branch and made this post less than 2 mins later:

Gimme a break you are here to stir shit up. I did not start shit with you.

Itā€™s ā€œchompingā€ at the bit, named after the chomp-chomps in Mario.


Ok, I donā€™t really see in the context of our exchanges how that could possibly be construed as a joke and not a shot - but I will take you at your word. I did not interpret it as such.

Iā€™m understanding of people going through stuff but there are a few things that really bother me about the stuff youā€™ve posted in the last few days, and continue to post. Particularly the claim that I am trolling with the claustrophobia post. Thatā€™s very real and something that Iā€™ve just had to deal with this entire pandemic.

I have been extremely restrained in my interactions with you here. That said, I will not continue this if you donā€™t take any passive or direct shots relating to me or my behavior. If you wanna think Iā€™m selfish or whatever, yea it bothers me. Go ahead though, I canā€™t control how you feel, Iā€™d just ask you to consider that I volunteer a big chunk of my time and money to causes I deem worthy, especially during this pandemic. Iā€™ve helped people on this board financially that were struggling, Iā€™ve begun mentoring a kid, Iā€™m dealing with a clusterfuck of a substance abuse situation with my best friend, to which I am like the last friend in the world to, among a ton of other things that consume my time that Iā€™m not paid to do.

So like I said you do you. To me it seems like you are going through something and I am sympathetic to that but man, really, consider taking a day or two off to breathe.

Anyway like I said before Iā€™ll forget about this in a week and hope you do too. Sorry for some of the things I said that were not nice and sorry to everyone else for the derail.

This guy gets it.

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Iā€™m trying to convince my Trumpy parents and Sister/BIL to rent a house on St. Maarten this summer. I havenā€™t seen any of them in more than a year. Now they are suddenly concerned about Covid and hurricanes.

My lawnmower is going to beat Elon to Mars.

(Spoiler: their solution was to go to Florida)


Which was a huge mistake and seriously damaged the credibility of the ā€œeveryone should wear masksā€ advice.

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Your battery level is stressing me out.


This is some bullshit. You actually kind of had me leaning toward your side of this too. Iā€™m still wearing a mask, and I kind of wish the CDC hadnā€™t done what it did. But this is a hot garbage take. The things you mention above arenā€™t remotely related.

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I think this is true but it doesnā€™t mean ā€œgosh we should never consider behavioral aspects againā€ it means ā€œwe need to do this betterā€.

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Can someone PM me when this thread is readable again? Thanks in advance.



Put a patient on high flow o2 today for covid, was the first one I saw in a long time.


Things keep getting better here. Numbers are continuing to decline despite the opening up of things and vaccinations are still increasing. First time we added less than 1,000 people on a weekday since the first week of September. Theyā€™ll be opening vaccine registration to 30-39 next Wednesday.

Went to a bar for the first time since last summer. It was actually the first time I drank alcohol since December. Only the outdoor area was open as expected. Was a real relief to talk to people even if the price jumped up a bit. Going to BJJ after a one year delay tonight. Class size is capped at 10 due to restrictions.

With a month left in the school year, Iā€™m deciding where to travel during the summer. Got two months off and Iā€™d like to put them to good use.


US 7dma of new cases has just dipped below 30,000 to 28,900 for the first time time since June. Rate of decrease keeps increasing. Cases now down 36 percent in 14dma.


Wow. Two days ago, the Czech Republic had fewer daily cases per capita (7 day rolling average) than the US for the first time since December 20th.

Talking about going mask-free in schools. Honestly, it sounds like a horrible idea even if the students are being regularly tested for covid before entering the school and the percentage of positive tests has been less than 0.1%.

Iā€™m in upstate NY, in an area with a strong progressive-conservative divide. Iā€™m enjoying seeing how fast businesses transition ā€¦ no masks to get my oil change. Haircut this morning, the barber proudly said they ā€œthrew out the masks and the sign in book!ā€ (for contact tracing) ā€¦ then again, the farmers market dropped its mask requirement for customers but everyone still masked up. Local coffee shop requires masks ā€¦ this is in a village of 3kā€¦

Lol my ICUs are still full and weā€™ve got icu level pts in our step down unit. I did see my first fully vaxxed covid pt get intubated yesterday. Mild symptoms right up until he started throwing clots.


I am curious where the ā€œenough with masksā€ crowd is at if we have no vaccine.

I assume most here would support their continued use.

My issue in all this has been the CDC announcement giving cover for non vaccinated people to not wear masks in public. This clearly has happened.

I am just going to have to get fully on board the F the unvaccinated train. Because I really should care about them, at least in a couple more months.

And I guess that is my biggest issue. Not everyone who wants a vaccination has gotten both shots yet. Seems like we could have held out AT LEAST that long.

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Apparently masks are going to be required indoors at my school this fall, which is pretty surprising to me. I expected them to do something like ā€œIf you provide proof of vaccination, you can teach without a maskā€, but ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

And now Iā€™m seeing that Indiana University is mandating vaccinations, which presumably means everything will be maskless. I am very jealous.

I feel like some of these countries got really lucky and blocked all flights from China back in March 2020. (Sorry Trump joke)

But seriously I think a combination of traditional behaviors AND some luck let them matrix the virus. But now the chickens are starting to come home and overwhelm those advantages a bit.