COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

It’s sort of annoying that they show % of doses per person instead of total number of fully vaccinated people, but this data mostly shows that vaccinating ~40% of your people isn’t going to be enough to get you to herd immunity, not that the vaccines don’t work as advertised.

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Agreed, it’s showing that countries vaccinated to a greater percentage than ours can still set case records* if a highly transmissable variant takes hold. Experts already stating that herd is now 85% or greater, in light of that new Indian thing I’m not supposed to talk about

*assumes country still has a testing regime

I mean, despite my complaining, I can actually do the math own my own and work out that ~80 vaccines administered works out to ~40 people if we’re doing two doses per person. We still have Bahrain well below a spot where they should have herd immunity (70% or so?).

Also, I recall the jury’s still out on how effective the Sinopharm vaccine is.

Yeah, how far apart were those doses? 80 vaccines doesn’t always = 40 people when you only started beginning of March if you’re on the 12 week plan so your math is shaky til you know the regime. US is one of the few following the 3-4 wk instructions on the packet but looks like Bahrain are on the 4wk too.

Cuomo is copying DeWine. Anyone who gets a shot now gets a free lottery ticket. In related news, NY’s positivity rate just dropped below 1 percent (to .85) for the first time since the summer.


I mean, it’s a ballpark estimate. You can see it’s a little over 80 in the first chart and under 40 in the second, but it’s roughly two shots per person.

I thought Cuomo would have offered that single ladies could win a date with the man himself.


Counterpoint UK doses per 100 vs fully vaccinated but estimates are good.

34yr olds eligible in the UK today. ~97% uptake of two doses in the 55-79yr olds but down to about 85% two doses in the 80yr+, strangely. Most people under 50-55yrs still awaiting second dose.

“Be vigilant and remain vigilant for years” isn’t really a core human skill.

In light of the recent discussion about the CDC fudging things for the greater good, I just wanted to remind everyone of that time in March(?) 2020 when they told everyone that masks don’t protect you against COVID so people wouldn’t hoard all the masks.

Because your stance on the CDC’s recommendation timeline is obviously a reflection on your personal character and morals. I mean, look at me for instance. Just this morning I burned all my masks with a coal fire, as an extra fuck you to the earth. At the gas station this morning I ignored the mask required sign. This doesn’t apply to me anymore, the CDC said so. I saw a small child. I coughed on him. Don’t care, I got mine obviously.

As I left, I saw the child’s mom looking at me in horror. She said she was only partially vaccinated. Coughed on her too, fuck her. As an obvious trumper and anti-mask advocate who fakes claustrophobia online to win arguments, she does not concern me whatsoever. I just want my fun.

As I drove away in my 15 mpg vehicle, I turned on my ben shapiro podcast and smiled. All is right in the world now. I have no mask.

Oh wait none of this matters because I’m vaccinated and my individual actions aren’t doing a fucking thing.


You still need to wear a mask


Come on man, these are some cheap shots. And I don’t even make six figures.

At some point, we’re all going to say “Ok, I think it’s safe now,” and take off our masks. And the next guy will point at you and say, “too soon!” And then eventually he’ll take off his mask, and then the next person will call them selfish, and it will go on forever until there’s just one guy who wont take off his mask, even though covid and all disease and colds stopped being a thing 200 years earlier, because he’s just more right than the next guy




Hey no one has suggested banning anyone for bad mouthing science bros. You’re just kind of monopolizing the thread and posting walls and walls of text and it would be nice if ya took it down a notch or two to keep the thread readable.


for once, i agree with theissen. biden should address the vaccine hesitant directly. something along the lines of “fuck your feelings!”

The same is true when it comes to vaccines. People who are vaccine-hesitant are not going to be convinced by appeals to get “vaccinated.” Why not urge them to get “immunized” against covid-19 instead? The terms are interchangeable and familiar to most Americans. Every parent has had to fill out their children’s “immunization record” for school. But unlike vaccination, immunization focuses on the result of getting your shot — immunity. And who doesn’t want to be immune to covid-19? It won’t convince die-hard anti-vaxxers, but it certainly could make a difference with the hesitant but persuadable majority.

It is a big experiment. Got to be some kind of increase to going fully open. Hopefully small but we will find out.

Grocery store is going to the honor system on masks.

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This is how Alexander Hamilton triggered his enemies worse than hilliary clinton ever could. He was insanely productive and wrote tons, and he wrote it at hamiltonian level. They literally could not keep up with him. Jefferson and a few others could match wits on a good day, but there would be three more things to deal with once they finished one. He wrote the Federalist Papers in 6 months.