COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Looks like more possible health and safety violations at one of the plants making JnJ

To play devil’s advocate here: Should the CDC have changed the guidelines regarding fully vaccinated people and masks a month or two ago?

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Back then the bottleneck was supply of vaccine not demand for vaccine plus most of the population wasn’t vaccinated, which meant it would have mostly given cover to anti maskers who weren’t vaccinated to just not wear masks. They were already doing that en masse but giving them an easy out when confronted wasn’t a good idea.

Now the bottleneck is demand and anything that hurts demand is wildly not worth it. I don’t give a fuck about whether you’re wearing a mask if being vaccinated is an option. I’m not trying to pressure you to wear a mask I’m trying to pressure you to get vaccinated. We are at the stage where we actually fix the problem not mitigate it. Mitigation is over.

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Name checks out

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The best way to do this would be to discriminate against the unvaccinated and force them to wear masks while the vaccinated can go free. We made a huge mistake in not creating the infrastructure to make it easier to do this.


Under literally anyone but Trump every politician in the country would have moved in lockstep with the CDC on the pandemic thus giving everyone political cover. Trump made it viable world wide to be in favor of being open for business.

The response to COVID didn’t even really start until Trump was out of the WH.

Isn’t this still happening?

I’m skeptical that this hurts demand.

It’s not an option for everybody, namely children.

I’m skeptical that this is exerting pressure to get vaccinated.


I just want to know when I can reclaim the shelf of all the canned beans I panic-bought in February 2020 by donating it all to a food pantry.


recent NPR The Indicator podcast had a 10 min blurb on vaccine patent insufficiency.

They need to clear the vaccine for kids ASAP. Thankfully kids seem to have much milder COVID symptoms, although JT is absolutely right that we don’t know what the long term impacts are yet.

At the same time it’s easy to tell whether kids have been vaccinated or not, they’re kids so they haven’t been. Meanwhile all the adults being vaccinated can only greatly improve their safety.

The standard is not whether or not you think it could impact demand. There are obviously scenarios where it would impact demand and scenarios where it doesn’t. When it comes to a major important bottleneck it is wildly unacceptable to leave any potential demand on the table.

To be clear we need a system that is carrots AND sticks to force people to get vaccinated. If it were up to me you wouldn’t be allowed to work in person, fly, go to the grocery store, order food takeout from a restaurant, or not get hassled by the cops for not wearing a mask outdoors if you refused the vaccine. I want a full court press. Give people 5k to get vaccinated and punish them like they had a fifth kid in China if they don’t say yes.

There is absolutely no reason to care about masks for anyone eligible for the vaccine. They need to get vaccinated right fucking now. I don’t care how many are getting vaccinated today if there were enough doses and people to do the injecting to do more.

US heading for max 60% fully vaxxed IMO = keep the masks on IMO

I’m trying to sign up to this but webiste jammed…

The public is being urged to take part in trials to find out whether a third dose of Covid vaccine could protect against new variants.

All seven vaccines the UK has ordered will be tested on working-age people and over-75s as part of a randomised trial.

All doses would be from current vaccines, designed to protect against the original form of the virus.

Data on side-effects and immune responses will be gathered.

The findings will help vaccine advisers decide if re-vaccinating some people in the autumn is necessary.



I dont really agree with the argument that the CDC announcement is incentivizing vaccination, but we’ll see I guess, hope it does.

I really disagree with this continued argument that the CDC announcement isnt changing the behavior of the unvaccinated. That seems demonstrably untrue given the number of states and businesses that changed their rules with no plans to verify vax status.

If the argument is we are going to incentivize vaccination by letting the plague spread through the unvaxxed, I dont really agree with that as a strategy yet, but fine. But we pretty clearly just unmasked the unvaxxed in numerous settings.


This would be more representative…

well, if you build in US is vaccinating a greater proportion of their eligible population i.e. got to be 37yr+ in the UK - 12yr+ in the US I believe. Good to see it go in arms though.

One thought I had about the whole ditching of mask recommendations being just a bit too early thing: From a practical standpoint, with blue states not pulling their own requirements right away, and lots of red states already having lol enforcement of any existing ones, is there a chance that we’ll have little to no practical change in mask behavior overall for the next month or so anyway?

Maybe I’m naive based on my experience locally, I mean here in NJ nobody really seemed to bat an eye about continuing to wear masks until state/local/business says OK. Maybe there’ll be more grumbling as the weeks wear on.

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This is a problem with human beings. People will exhaust themselves to get 90% to their goal and then just decide it’s good enough, when they should be doubling down to finish that most important 10%.

It’s not a Covid thing. It’s a human thing and it plays itself out constantly. I am not above it or better than it. Guilty as charged.

When we marvel at human excellence we are not really witnessing other world performances, we are just witnessing the last ten percent. And don’t get me wrong I am not simplifying excellence as just an outcome of effort. But everyone’s personal outcome is greatly impacted by effort and most of the time we don’t get that last ten percent.

My biggest frustration with this instance is the cost is so small giving up at 90% makes zero sense, to me.

And no sooner did the CDC make their pronouncement then everyone on the right side pulled up, patted themselves on the back and disclaimed “Good Enough.” While at the same time the forces of evil have immediately seized on it.

It’s not even like we have to wait and see. By every angle and measurement that is more important than the discomfort of cotton on the face, the CDC announcement is an unmitigated disaster.

If the CDC were parents we would be calling child protective services on them.


I think the point is
(1) The risk of taking your kid to COSTCO is extremely low, so it’s not clear why people should care if you are afraid to do it.
(2) It’s super unclear why or if you would feel differently at 1/2 the case level, or 1/4, or 1/8, because all you say is “lower” and refuse to be specific.

A number of blue states did change their rules. All of New England and NY did. NJ and California delayed until 6/15 for now. Plus a number of national corporations were full masks and now arent.

I thought the way you were thinking initially, but the guidance change did seem to drive a number of changes.


We need to get back to what this thread is all about, clowning on Churchill.