COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Lol this is a dumb take. The US is already over 60 percent of eligible adults having gotten at least a first shot and is still administering millions of shots per week.

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Yes. Exactly this.

ā€œLowerā€ means zero. Any nonzero is unacceptable risk. It oozes out of every post.


He did a similar thing about contact transmission as well.


but also yay!



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I had to google both AIAN and NHOPI



It may seem like wearing a mask is no big deal, but to some people, it triggers claustrophobia. Iā€™m not talking like, ā€œOh I feel a little uncomfortable in crowded elevators OMG Iā€™m claustrophobic,ā€ I mean claustrophobic like the mere thought of being in an airplane makes you break out in hives and start sweating. Masks can trigger it big time, and the anxiety and resulting discomfort is very real and hard to deal with.

Lemme guess:
American Indians and Alaska Natives
Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders



Got 3 out of 5.

Knew Oriental had to be wrong lol

Unstuck is not immune from the ā€˜fuck you, got mineā€™ human trait apparently. A few weeks more, which as you have demonstrated would do a lot of good, just too much to ask man.


Went to Costco today. Everyone I noticed was masked, including me, but I wasnā€™t really attending to the issue. There were a few people giving out food samples, though like 50% of previous levels.

They were doing walk in vaccines near the pharmacy. Had about 10 people in the 15 minute recovery area. Now that I think about it, saw a couple of 12-15 y/os (maybe most were), but wasnā€™t attending to it.


Saw my Dr 10 days ago after 1.5 years. She was in mask and face gaurd. Told her I was surprised. She said it was mandated by Kaiser originally and she was used to it. I said itā€™s like the commander notes in Apocalypse Now, ā€œSomeday this war is gonna end.ā€

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Obviously. I was just nitting up the ā€œsolelyā€.

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Look I can get the disagreement, but you can miss me with the sanctimonious holier-than-thou stuff and should avoid it all together. Thereā€™s maybe 1 or 2 people here who put their ass on the line as much as I did during this whole pandemic and probably zero in conditions comparable to what I volunteered for.

On top of that, everyone here truly and honestly gives a shit, respect that. You donā€™t have a monopoly on caring here.

Of course, anyone actually reading my post would clearly see that Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m right because I worked through this. Iā€™m saying you donā€™t have a monopoly on caring. I did have a good laugh when you used my kind of work to justify your position though.

Dr. Anthony Fauci told Axios that he believes ā€œpeople are misinterpretingā€ the new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines that fully vaccinated people do not need to wear masks indoors or physically distance in most cases. Many incorrectly took it as ā€œa removal of a mask mandate for everyoneā€ rather than ā€œan assurance to those who are vaccinated that they can feel safe, be they outdoors or indoors,ā€ Fauci said on Wednesday.

How could anyone have foreseen this Dr. Fauci. It is certainly a total shock to me!