COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I don’t give a fuck about intrusive. It was very intrusive when they made me hide in my house like a hermit for a year. If you can get vaccinated today and haven’t been by 5pm you’re flagged for fucking PVP.

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Right, but we dont seem to be going that route because governments have decided, for whatever reason, it is too intrusive. Maybe that changes over time, who knows, but for now the choices werent mask or rain wrath on the unvaccinated. It was mask or do nothing.

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Yeah I really had expected that when this kind of news came down from the CDC, it’d be in the form of “we recommend no more masking from vaxxed folks as of six weeks from now” or whatever. This has the light at the end of the tunnel psychological effect, plus it lights a fire under the asses of whoever’s left that really did want the vaccine but were still kinda dragging their feet. You would have had a nice little uptick in rates for a couple weeks and at least eked out a few more percentage points of the total vaxxed population.

Declaring no more masks required as of right this second was a big unforced error, no matter when that declaration came.


Spreading throughout UK (still masked ldo) lockdown - more than likely to become the next dominant strain worldwide - confirmed more transmissable than UK strain - how much is the question - anything below 30% can be managed in the mainly vaccinated UK - 30%-40% and above and we’re in the shite apparently

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Dude the only person being selfish ITT is you. Vaccinated people have no personal risk and pose no risk to other people. Many of them sacrificed a year of their lives to slow the spread and many of them put themselves at personal risk to earn a living in the middle of a pandemic. They already helped the tiny sliver of the population that isn’t eligible for a vaccine much safer by getting vaccinated. They’ve done their part full stop.

The people who haven’t done their part are the people who have the power to force the anti vax crowd to get vaccinated but won’t. The ball is in their court.

Can we just not do this.

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The reason is the CDC doesn’t think there will be another spike due to their recommendation.

I am guessing the only needing one shot factored into some really bad calculating.

Dang unstuck is 73% safe. Time to yolo this place up.

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My personal thoughts would be two weeks past the second shot and with a mask. (Seems covering half your face could be useful in live poker)

But it’s really up to your risk determination. Personally getting Covid between the two shots while not likely life threatening would make me feel foolish.

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Honestly I think JT and boredsocial aren’t that far apart here, they agree this is winding down, the big thing is that we could have just waited another month and change before letting the antivaxxers breathe on everybody. It’s just the need to argue it in the most fucking abrasive way possible and rile the other one up that’s causing the problem.


Unstuck has achieved herd immunity!

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I had a co-worker that got COVID between shots. Most likely he was doing something stupid (went out a lot and wears his mask below his nose, but isn’t an antivaxer or COVID denier). He’s in his 50’s, and said it lingered for about a week but never got worse than a bad cold. It did delay his 2nd shot a bit.

Want to see how you all feel about this scenario. I’m fully vaxxed. Had to take what was supposed to be a shortish (~ 1hr) train ride that, thanks to an Amtrak snafu, became more like 5 hours. I’d guess train was a little more than 50% full and from what I could tell people had on masks the whole time except for moments when they were actively eating/drinking.

My gorilla math says there is probably a decent chance that I may have been exposed, so I’m wondering if I should change my behavior.

Carry on= Monitor for symptoms, but it’s ok to do the things I was already planning on doing.

Lock her up= stay the heck away from other humans you gross disease vector!

Fold pre= you just want to berate me for using Amtrak

How to act after possible exposure?
  • Carry on as usual
  • Lock her up
  • Fold pre

0 voters

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You’re telling people who have and pose no COVID risk to keep putting their lives on hold because the risk isn’t 0% for everyone yet. That’s pretty selfish.

If you’ve been vaccinated you’re not a participant in the pandemic anymore. The people who would not wear a mask despite not being vaccinated were never wearing masks.

There is absolutely nothing factual about a single position you’ve taken on the pandemic in a few weeks. You were in here talking about how we didn’t know enough to rule out contact spread like a month ago. You’re wallowing in the justification for your own anxiety that the pandemic gives you and you don’t want to let go of it. But it’s fucking over and any anxiety you still have about it (assuming you’re already vaccinated) got silly a while back.

Look at the infection numbers now versus where they were pre vaccination. Vaccination is literally infinitely better than any other prevention measure and telling people they can go back to their lives if they get vaccinated is a huge incentive to get vaccinated.

Absolutely anything that has any level of negative pressure for vaccination, even the removal of a positive incentive, is just fucking dumb. Don’t worry I don’t think you’re dumb, I think you want this thing to keep going so that your normal is closer to typical and justified.

I’m telling you this as a fellow traveler on the shitty mental health issues road… telling yourself that your anxiety and depression are justified is a hell of a drug and I lost years of my life to it. You do not want to allow yourself to tell yourself that it’s fine. It isn’t and it’s not good for you.


Where’s the option to only avoid the vulnerable and maybe get tested in a day or two?

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Fair point on the testing. I’ve managed to get this far w/o taking one, but I think there is a walk-in site a few blocks away. Would provide some peace of mind I suppose.

As far as avoiding the vulnerable, no plans to knowingly hang out with anyone in a vulnerable population, but I guess I could be sure to use the common areas of my building and run any necessary errands during off-peak times (which I do already, but this would be more reason to do so)

Id wait two weeks and then call it mildly stupid.

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So you’re missing the forest for the trees then. The only thing that matters right now is maximizing vaccination throughput. I think letting people who are vaccinated be normal is good for throughput. The dangerous people were never wearing masks at any point my dude. And that fact is one you’ve never come close to accepting despite it being clearly visible every day since last March.