COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

The Seychelles variant is coming!


To date, among those who a have received two doses, 57% have received Sinopharm and 43% Covishield, the Seychelles’ health ministry said. It’s unclear which vaccine had been given to individuals who had been fully immunized but then tested positive for Covid.

It’s possible these cases could all be one or the other vaccine.

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No I had to “cheat” (slightly, took the appointment 48h in advance). And even then I think I got lucky since they go quite fast. I’ve tried a few times to only look at the 24h ones but this just seemed completely impossible.

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Of course, but it’s also well known that the wider used vaccines all suffer a reduction in efficacy from SA variant so, on average, transmission and cases will be higher.

Also a fair chance the Indian variant is involved and the Seychelles takes a couple of weeks to verify that - espcially when travel to the UK is restricted and we’re the ones usually letting the travellers know they got something we aint seen before

Seriously careful
Covid person :”Me and wife went to Vegas this weekend. Was packed. But people with the vaccine don’t have to wear masks. Lol at anti vaxxers being honest. Me? No we didn’t wear masks the CDC said we don’t have to baybee.”

-real story. Names may have been changed but it’s unlikely.

I’d give it another two or three weeks then go with a mask if you really have to.

Yeah, I generally agree. It’s not that it’s exceptionally risky, but man would I have felt like a dumbass if I got pozzed in between shots doing something unnecessary.

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You understand that the CDC announcement made it infinitely more difficult for businesses to require masks?

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Mandatory masking is over full stop. If you decide to not get vaccinated and then go out into the world without a mask you get what you deserved and everyone you infect who could have gotten a shot also is getting what they deserve. The immunocompromised are in much better shape than they were before people started getting vaccinated, but they’re the real victims here full stop. If it weren’t for them I honestly wouldn’t give a flying fuck about the antivaxx crowd getting COVID. Natural selection imo.

I’m literally for making people who could get the vaccine legally responsible for any medical bills that come up thanks to COVID. Seriously if they could have gotten jabbed and then end up in an ICU I want to ruin them financially and then I want the press to do a story about it.

You guys think what we need now is masks because we couldn’t get idiots to wear masks for a long time. We have vaccines now. What we need is for everyone who can be vaccinated to get vaccinated through force if necessary.

You want everyone to be safe? Applaud the rewards for getting vaccinated and the punishments for not getting vaccinated. The masking phase is over anywhere there’s a ready supply of shots. Thanks to the many noncompliant idiots masking was at best a stopgap measure we allowed to economically survive the active spread phase of this. Now that we have vaccines the active spread phase is over and the vaccination stage has begun.

“Mistrust all in whom the drive to punish is powerful. They are people of a bad kind and stock; the hangman and the bloodhound look out of their faces. Mistrust all who talk much of their justice! Verily, their souls lack more than honey. And when they call themselves “the good and the just,” do not forget that they would be pharisees, if only they had–power.” (Nietzsche , of course).


Mask compliance in healthcare is extremely bad now post vaccination. Infection rates are fucking 0% when they very much weren’t 0% four months ago. Dude lay off. It’s over. I know you haven’t accepted that yet, but it’s over. We are in the mopping up stage and the vaccinated should get their lives back to normal ASAP.

Now let’s get these stupid vaccines approved for kids so we can stop worrying about the long term impacts of COVID on kids.

Over and over it’s the same thing with you. You want your sandwich to have 0 ppm shit in it. That’s simply never going to happen and as a result you’re never going to be happy no matter how great the sandwich is.

No man mandatory vaccination has been a thing since smallpox. People from olden times would not be able to fucking believe we had a solution to a raging pandemic and many people didn’t want to believe in the sickness or take the off ramp. They would hate the anti vaxxers more than we do.

Letting people choose whether or not to get vaccinated is a great example of libertarianism run amok. There is absolutely no possible ethical or moral justification for it being optional.

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No man. The goal is not to make people the most safe. The point is to make them the best off they can be period. Look at your own mental health situation and shut the fuck up please. The risk of getting a serious case of COVID a month after your second shot is lower than the risk of being struck by lightning probably. The risk of passing that illness is also nil. It’s over for you after the second shot. That’s what vaccination is.

And honestly fuck you for trying to shit on that. The only reason I haven’t torn into you is I can tell you’re having a hard time mental health wise and I’m not interested in doing that. But dude this is you and it’s in your head.

You’re right it absolutely is simple. And you’re goddamn right I’m better than antivaxxers. They’re morons full stop and I’m well out of patience for their kind. They’re the same people who just killed at least 500,000 other Americans through pure selfishness.


Gah, don’t get Johnny worked up again, we only just got him to settle down.


All the scenarios you are listing regarding vaccination are as pie in the sky as longer masking though.


I would argue that you did not and we’ve all been coddling him for far too long. At this point we’re validating his pretty much totally unjustified anxiety about the pandemic.

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Then I guess a bunch of antivaxxers are going to die and the immunocompromised are getting fucked over. I feel bad for them, but we’re not going to keep society in COVID lockdown to protect them from a bunch of idiots who weren’t wearing masks when the CDC recommended them.

Also with the case load down and a competent government maybe we’ll be able to actually contact trace cases and stop them from spreading. You know stuff we were supposed to try before we made everyone wear masks for a year straight.

As for the antivaxxers I see this entire situation as divine judgement on them for their rejection of reality. I have so little sympathy I have to actively fight the schadenfreude every time one of them gets seriously ill of COVID. These types of people have been making the rest of the population miserable longer than I’ve been alive and I honestly have no idea how they could be less sympathetic than they are. I have quite a bit more justification for my mental dehumanization of them than they have for their dehumanization of anyone who isn’t exactly like them.

There is literally a shot that they could get that would protect them and they don’t want it. I don’t even know how to process that.

Oh stfu you sanctimonious asshat. I never said protections don’t work. It’s almost like a highly infectious hospital setting is a completely different environment and set of standards than me walking around amongst mostly vaccinated people. Wow who would’ve thought.

Again, you are contriving this out of your own warped need to be correct and the most moral person here. We get it dude. You’re awesome. I’m a selfish moron. Now stop responding to me.

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let’s not spend a third day on this nonsense.

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I dont really think we were in COVID lockdown anymore. Basically everything has opened up in even the strictest of COVID states. Strict restrictions obviously werent going to hold, and probably shouldnt even if we may pay a price for it. But wearing a mask is less intrusive than forcing vaccinations, even if the latter is more effective. So since we werent going to “coerce” vaccinations I dont think masking up for a bit longer was too much to ask.

Ashish Jha made the case to wait until June 15th to at least make sure most adults that wanted a vaccine were fully vaccinated. That seems eminently reasonable to me as a start.