COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

A lot of action on the international vaccine front. From out of nowhere, Mongolia has surged past UK. Canada has almost caught up to U.S.

Canada’s catch up is largely due to supply. We were really restricting access to vaccines just a few weeks ago because of limited supply. Now we suddenly seem to have a lot of supply and new categories of people are becoming eligible every few days (in Ontario anyway).

Here in France, vaccines have just been made available to the general population last week. I got my 1st shot today. The vaccination center near me is in an army hospital so this had a nice dystopian feel to it (bunch of civilians sitting in large outdoor tents being watched by soldiers).

With the case numbers dropping in the last 2 weeks, this feels for the first time in a very long time as a hopeful moment…


Ugh the old farmer guy that fixed the historical societies old Conestoga wagon got the Covid. He’s going to recover, but his wife passed from it a week ago.

Obviously they didn’t get vaxxed. Only worked with him as his lackey a couple of times, never had any Covid discussions with him-not anything about politics at all. He masked appropriately once Covid hit (we were outside 100% of time and he still masked except for when he was by himself working under the wagon).

Big bummer but they made their choice. I see from the obit they belonged to a living word church. Not sure what that is. Sounds fundamental?

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I missed the Thou shalt not get vaxxed commandment.

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When Wikipedia describes your church as a cult, it’s time to do a rethink.

Someone with the same last name is an elder (son or nephew?). That ship has sailed for these folks. Good thing there is a magical afterlife as a fallback.

It’s this one. To come this far and then end up with long COVID, die, spread COVID to other people who die, etc, would be terrible.

Totally understand the sentiment, though. I had to consciously keep myself from relaxing my standards after my first shot, but for me that meant staying out of the grocery store for a few more weeks.

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Waiting one week rather than two from the first shot is insanely stupid. Waiting two weeks rather than until August is just regular stupid.


At least one reason is that MLB has a tiered set of health and safety protocols. Every team started out under the strict version and then there was a looser set that you could start to use once a certain % of the traveling party vas vaxxed ( I think the number was 85%, which is why the media reports have said “at least 85% of the team was vaxxed”). J&J is one shot, so you hit the vaccination threshold more quickly than if everyone took the mRNA.

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What are the requirements for entering?

Nothing specific that I can see.

Did you find a 24hr slot? I’ve been looking a lot the last week but everything seems to go in seconds, if they were even there at all (Paris). I’m signed up ‘illegally’ for Saturday so we’ll see how that goes.

Yeah, I’d stay away.

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My kids school is partially relaxing mask rules citing the CDC. Just an anecdote to push back against the CDC guidance isnt changing anything line of thought. I definitely got that one wrong initially.


Hmm found the same type of church in NY that Seems to promote or at least tolerate vaccination- basically an update that the vaxxed can go unmasked but the unvaxxed still need to mask (on their honor).

You forgot to add the Seychelles :slight_smile:

*Chinese vaccine.

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and an AZ vaccine

South African variant is a better reason. Chinese vaccines are prefectly good against Covid 1.0. (see China where they keep the SA variant out)