COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I feel like I haven’t seen this word around here in months, and now it makes me curious how the weekly usage of it changed over time through the pandemic. Not curious enough to do it myself, though.

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This can’t be anywhere close to true. Many people (thousands?) were wearing masks in Costco and WalMart, etc because they had to. Now they don’t and aren’t.


What the fuck is the point of that?

No way are we getting to true herd immunity like with childhood diseases. If you aren’t vaxxed you will get it eventually.

We are going endemic with some constant circulation. I’m hoping the vulnerables getting a high vax rates keeps the death rate 5-10x lower. Say a 0.5% cfr. At 10k cases per day that’s 17k deaths per year.

That’s the dream. Tbh I’d be very happy with anything less than 25k/year. 50k more likely.

Hopefully it will become a required childhood shot.

I’d prefer that masks be mandated for now based on the unvaxxed liars but I can read the writing on the wall. I don’t see any extra value in me wearing a mask. I will when I travel and in big crowds.


“Pozzed!” is going to be the name of the musical I’m writing about the pandemic. There will be musical numbers about Herman Cain and Jeff Toobin.


But in those cases it’s not “solely” because of the cdc mandate. Costco could have ignored CDC guidance and kept masks in their stores.

It’s more reasonable to ask people to eat less meat than to expect everybody to become strict vegetarians. A bacon Impossible Whopper is a pretty significant step in the right direction.

Please don’t take my comment as really serious. I forgot to use the irony font.

I mean, I guess it’s pretty safe for the athletes who are vaccinated? But there’s no way I’d compete even if vaccinated. How is the country that holds the most USA#1 debt of any nation less than 10% vaxxed??

Did this thread ever look at wtf was up with the Yankees having like 9 ppl positive last week, mostly coaches I think, and one infielder?

I think if 90% effective then there will be some 2 sigma outliers given the particular situation, though transmissibility would presumably be lower. There may be more to the story but one upshot I heard is that most or all were asymptomatic.

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Brags: Over 85% of the team is vaccinated. The reported cases were mild or asymptomatic and probably only caught because the team does so much testing (so the vaccines do seem to “work” if we are defining that to mean preventing serious illness as opposed to never testing positive after an exposure).

Beats: having such a large outbreak among a highly vaccinated group that was also testing regularly and following other MLB protocols seems bad. Also, I haven’t seen any reporting about whether they were able to pin down an index case. If a vaxxed individual was spreading efficiently enough to pozz a bunch of other vaxxed individuals, that seems bad.

Variance: Like Simp said, this could just be one of those statistical outliers that will happen when you’re dealing with hundreds of millions of vaccinated people. Also, we don’t know how much worse the outbreak might have been without the vaccines. Maybe 30 people contract it in that universe.

Variant??? Maybe

Eta: Also, most of the team took JnJ, so I’m feeling pretty good about being team mRNA


12 days baby.

[quote=“smrk4, post:2988, topic:4761”]
Did this thread ever look at wtf was up with the Yankees having like 9 ppl positive last week, mostly coaches I think, and one infielder


Yes. First it was J&J so not 90 percent effectiveness. Second, the 75 percent was preventing symptomatic COVId. Third like all the Yankees are tested on like a daily basis. Fourth they were all or almost all a symptomatic and stayed that way. Fifth it is likely they had a very low viral load.

Do/Did you have COVID-19?
  • Yes, I tested positive
  • I think so, but never tested for it
  • No

0 voters

Kinda curious to see what the case rate here is.

More polls:

Where are you in the COVID vaccine timeline?
  • Over 2 weeks since second shot.
  • Got second shot less than 2 weeks ago.
  • In between first and second shot.
  • Have appointment for first shot (within a week)
  • Have appointment for first shot (over a week away)
  • Eligible, but unable to find appointment.
  • Still waiting to be declared eligible

0 voters

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Dammit forgot to make the results visible on mine.

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Just had my first Pfizer shot. What is the group consensus on me going to the poker room say a week from today? With a mask obv. Insanely stupid, mildly stupid or not stupid? Won’t get my next jab until early august so I’m hoping I don’t want to have to wait that long, but I will if the smart consensus here is to do so.


I wouldn’t say its totally stupid. But really, if you’ve waited this long, another month isn’t really going to matter. You’ll be fine. I’ve done two super brief table game sessions since the pandemic started and honestly they’re not much fun with a mask, and I was eager to get out from the moment I sat down…regretting what I had done. But now I’m fully vaxxed and two weeks from a Vegas trip. It’ll almost be like the old days.


Extremely stupid. How dumb will you feel if you get pozzed this close to the finish line?