COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I’m not even in disagreement with you about what should have been done, I just disagree that the CDC could do anything meaningful about it.

For me, I have done so much already at great cost to my own mental health, and the near zero risk (i honestly believe it’s effectively zero but i’ll qualify it a bit) I’m imparting to myself and others around me is one I feel I should be able to take at this point without guilt.

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I don’t think anyone’s ever been following the CDC guidelines, if that helps.

Maybe the CDC shouldn’t be in the business of lying to people about the risks of vaccinated people not wearing masks?


Oh, didn’t know about that. I assumed it was just some standard $1 lottery, so that was the joke.

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Yeah, with the rake, I was thinking the odds of winning $1 million in the lottery would be at least two million to one.

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I originally thought the CDC guidance wouldn’t change much, but multiple states just punted all COVID restrictions like 2 months ahead of schedule, give or take, and Cuomo is like life is 100 percent maskless Rockette shows. Hard for me to argue it is a coincidence.

If it really was just for vaccinated people, eh, I’d argue that it wasn’t great but I do think it is generally safe (although I have to amend my earlier post, now does seem very likely that a vaccinated yankee transmitted to another vaccinated yankee). This is de facto an end of masks for the unvaccinated too. More optimistically it is just a headache and less safety for front line workers, but I don’t even think it plays out that “well”

Selfishly for me, it means pretty much no chance of public indoor activities with my kids for a longer period of time.

EDIT: I also have a tough time saying this was following the science. This really seems like a political choice.


What’s the safest play here? Masks for everyone indoors or in outdoor crowds. cause we can’t trust the unvaxxed to mask (or even admit they are unvaxxed if unmasking is the reward for being vaxxed).

And of course we aren’t going to require vax proof in ordinary life. Maybe international travel, cruises, etc. doubtful for domestic flights.

That said, it’s pretty freaking obvious that masks are going the way of the dodo bird until/unless Covid 3.0 that gets around the vax reals havoc (and then maybe we mask).

Ship has sailed.

Sailed a long time ago, I’m just venting more than anything.

After 14 months of this I’m not remotely surprised. USA has always taken a shitty line on Covid. I’m surprised the masks held up this long tbh. If you are vaccinated demasking probably increases your risk by about 0.01% and the people already maskless are hopeless anyways. The vaccinated now wearing masks as a form of statement or protest doesn’t make much sense imo.

My personal take is we should have done more all along and should still be masking but that isn’t happening so it is what it is.


Not trying to start shit just offering some basic facts and reassurance in response to a post that worried about the assertion about transmission. I stand by that post, and don’t really see anything related to my post here.

Places were enforcing it before. They aren’t now. The announcement was a mistake imo. Being masked as a vaxed person makes next to no sense now in places that don’t require it.

To do to what I said. I think the odds are low, but not extremely low we get the real nightmare variant. (Let’s say on the order of 1:1000 to 1:100). I just don’t like that we are doing everything to bias those odds in the virus’favor.

It seems like 1 of 2 things happened here.

  1. The CDC is basically hiding behind the science knowing their recs would result in everyone unmasking and can just blame a surge on the unvaxxed unmask I g against their rexa.

  2. The CDC knows we are near herd immunity anyways even if the unvaxxed unmask. Seems unlikely but this would be a justification for this.

Hot take: if jobs numbers had met expectations masking guidelines would not have been changed.


I agree that this is kind of awkward, but I think we have to demonstrate our faith in the vaccine at some point, and how do we do that if we’re still masking? I’m hoping the cases drop to really low levels and maybe that will make everyone more comfortable with it. That said, I’m fully vaccinated and still masking in places like the grocery store. It still feels right, even though I know that its largely symbolic at this point. Its a weird situation. Not surprising that we don’t exactly know what to do.

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50% vax(yes I realize we aren’t there yet in many places) is probably actually nearing herd immunity. My best guess is 20-35% had covid and my guess is the vaxed and pozzed groups have less overlap than we would think.


Sorry, dumb question, but I’ve googled this several times:

What is OFB and OFS?

Re: Herd immunity. Oklahoma City has a fairly high vax rate, basically zero precautions for a long time and are down to almost no cases (7/100,000). We have had OFS all year and OFB since the beginning pretty much. It’s hard for me to see this as luck or anything else. I’m not an expert on it but if it isn’t that what is happening?


I do think there is a legitimate concern that Dems might have a real choice between continuing mask mandates and other safety measures vs winning elections. Imagine if opening up on the current trajectory was enough to fade an anti-mask backlash and barely hold on to a Congressional majority in the 2022 midterms.


Really can’t argue with this. Def something good is happening.

Still wish it didn’t take close to 1M dead (the real number). Really seems insane because if the plan is to get a vaccine in 5 years, we can expect that a shutdown can’t be that long.

But since the plan was to get a vaccine in 12-18 months, some well timed lockdowns and everyone into together would have gone a long way to keeping the toll down.

These damn viruses have impeccable timing. 1918 flu during WWI. C-19 during Trump.