COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

As best I can tell this is not “studies” but “study” of 175 geriatric individuals and measured only antibody generation in response to the second shot rather than health outcomes. Oh, and that study has not yet passed peer review, and I can’t even find the actual study on medRxiv. That is incredibly flimsy evidence to be dunking with. Anyway, this is another terrible performance. See you tomorrow.


Na 6ix is a Uber guy

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Getting better!

You should pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get a job that pays well enough to buy a home gym.

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Looks like restaurant owners in the Czech Republic won’t have to check for vaccination certificates for negative COVID tests before letting them dine in their outdoor areas.

So pretty much everybody can eat there and nobody will give a shit. Nice work Czech Republic. I feel another wave coming.

Things are still getting way better though. The country has had 79 cases per 100,000 people over the last 7 days. Prague itself sits at 62 per 100,000. The reproduction rate is still at 0.8 and has been below 1 for nearly 2 months. Over 27% of the population has received at least one shot. 16% of the country has already tested positive for covid.

EDiT: TIL that those 79 cases is more than triple that of the most infected state, Colorado as it has just 23 per 100,000 over the last 7 days. Also damn near 40% of America is fully vaccinated. Yet, you’re all complaining. You’re so far ahead of the rest of the world.

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Zing. A home gym would probably be cheaper than my actual gym. A NY apartment big enough to fit it, not so much.

My kids got their first shots after school today. Man, pretty soon we can go to make out parties as an entire family.


Reaching for the :heart: button…

Hand slowly withdrawing from the :heart:


Yikes instructions here were to change any old surgical masks for a new one or to put the new surgical over our “dirty” n95 if we already had better protection on.

The only places I’ve been told to take an n95 off are the vaccination location and doctors/hospitals. The front desk assistant told me the surgical mask “would protect you (me) better in there”. Not exactly how it works I don’t think, but OK.

I assume it is just because there are a lot of counterfeit masks so this way they at least know everyone is getting a real surgical mask.

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You’re right, this is why. I usually say they can leave it on though.

I would refuse. =/

I brought a “clean” new n95 with me in case they needed me to put one on in front of them but 0 chance I would enter the hospital setting I got mine in unvaccinated wearing a lol surgical mask. I’d escalate to whoever the attending/supervisor is but would probably leave if they absolutely refused to let me in wearing my n95 (which they wouldn’t, inevitably).

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Was at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles today. My kid was wearing a cloth mask, they made them put a surgical mask over it. I was wearing a KN95 and that was fine.

I would think that was interesting under any circumstances, but it’s a change in protocol from pretty recently - I know I’ve been there within the last 6 weeks and they weren’t doing that.

The same, but for the opposite sentences.


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A bunch of people that basically around each other 24/7 tested positive even though they were vaxxed is simplest described by a high dose*time exposure to a common contact ie someone else in the travel party.

Could be someone with a high or low titer i their exhaust. Time exposed is likely huge.

Given ages and all asymptomatic means the vaccine is doing its job.

No way to make a conclusion on them transmitting to others but odds are low.


And reaching into your pants instead?


14 year old niece got jab 1 today. Sister said there were a lot of young teens at the site.