COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I agree with this. And the fact is, one dose is orders of magnitude better than none, so we should probably be thankful

Man, miss me with the ‘even more dangerous’ to call out conspiratorial nonsense.

I know this won’t mean much coming from someone who was never as panicked about covid as most here, but 1 dose isn’t negligible. It’s significantly preferable to no vaccination at all

At this point, I think we can probably do more good than any public talking head by just relaying to all our friends and family that they get their 2nd jab

A number of states have moved to straight paying for vaccinations. Might not say the best things about the American populace, but at least it is an effort that’s likely to be somewhat effective. West Virginia is giving away guns in a very USA#1 move.

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But what if, for example, a gain of function leak turns out not to be conspiratorial nonsense?

These posts go right here.

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What if I win the lottery tonight? Does that mean my system for picking numbers worked?

It would mean I forgot to tell you what an awesome person you are and btw can you help a brother out by paying off my mortgage?

It’s not my saying, but I adhere to it. Always keep an open mind, but not so open your brain falls out. I’m always willing to think independently about things or listen to another side. I detest people who can be herded into talking points and refuse to at least consider counter arguments

I can say first hand, that one of the things that is contributing to turning off people of the 2nd shot is their fear of side effects. I know people who don’t want to get the 2nd one because of this. I “delayed” mine by 2 weeks because I was going on vacation and didn’t want to be sick. When I eventually did get it, I was wrecked the next day, but fine the day after. I’ve talked 3 people into getting their 2nd since

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Always knew pee came from the balls

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What other public health official are you shrieking about about today?

Yes, there are societies out there that aren’t full of ungovernable selfish idiots who might actually listen to basic advice from public health experts. Sadly, the US is not one of them.

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I hear you on the messaging and tend to discount the web search headlines from last week.

I do think vaccination is a real focus, at least in some states. Maybe they arent taking the ideal approach and are muddling the messaging with OFB, but they are at least pouring real resources into getting on the fence people fully vaccinated.

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I agree everything should be done to get people “fully” vaccinated, especially since… We’re fortunate enough to have the goddamn vaccines available! This makes it a small tragedy not to do so

I don’t know what’s being said publicly by Fauci or MSM because I haven’t been following it, but I was able to encourage people to get their 2nd dose by just explaining my experience. Not everyone develops major side effects, but some do. I did, and even my gf did who already recovered from full blown covid! I got one person to go for their 2nd shot simply by pointing out he’ll be a lot sicker if he gets covid!

One middle age lady I work with said she was planning on getting her FIRST shot, but didn’t want to get sick (said she gets sick just from a flu shot). I used the same line on her and she got her 1st the very next day :rofl:

So fear of getting sick is a very real thing. They trick (I think) is to make them fear NOT getting fully vaccinated more

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Looks like I can book second dose June 14 and can have AZ, moderna or Pfizer even though I got AZ for first dose.


I can see from this extremely calm and measured response that you’re not as unhinged as I first thought.

Ask for a shot with “the works”.


I mean, calm down a bit and consider this

The skip rate for the second shot of the vaccine that prevents shingles, for example, was about 26% among Medicare beneficiaries, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation analysis.

Given the intense side effects of the COVID vaccines and the massive anti-vaxx disinformation campaign that’s out there, a 10% skip rate is pretty damn good. Whoever is running the messaging on this should get a raise.

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Dude. Johnny is the least shrill poster on this site. Best to read all his posts with the maximum amount of good faith.


You post in a style that is naturally read as hysterics. It undermines your message.

A while back we engaged on privilege as it relates to vaccination rates and mask mandates and you took the time to write a post that was a much more serious tone. It was a very good post.

As much as you tell us to read your posts differently it’s really not that easy. Most of your posts evoke the image of “crazy guy yells at clouds” and it’s much more about the writing style than the actual content.

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But I was told that the vaccines are useless against the Brazilian variant…