COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Is that what the kids are calling it?

Austin lol. Definitely a have the money already lined up market.

Damn man that is brutal. Any chance you could convince them your brother has no idea what he is talking about and couldn’t possibly evaluate whether a vaccine has been tested properly or not?

On Facebook ppl are just asking questions about Hank Aaron dying two weeks after getting his vaccine

Best of luck with the rona, and best of luck with the hunt in a couple-few weeks. A quick Zillow perusal of Austin looked like it was perhaps a touch spendier than our new digs, but having lived in an area that wasn’t merely “have the money lined up” but "have straight cash, homie (none of this “mortgage crapola), and a sob story to go with it so the homeowners pick you to be the one to pay $1.5 milly ($200k over ask, obv) for a 3br1ba 1500 sqft place in a mediocre school district,” that sounds positively serene.

Yeah it’s a 10-15% over asking and we’ve got 60 offers 3 days after we listed market… but it’s still 300-350k in the northern suburbs for the house you’re talking about… even after paying 10-15% over asking.

Honestly I get it. Buying real estate in Austin with a sub 3% APR on a 30 year fixed rate is just about the most insane lock on a profitable trade in the history of commerce. This city is taking an absurd share of the refugees from the coastal cities.

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Yeah, likewise with Portland getting a fair number of Seattle and Bay refugees. It’s unlikely to get as bad as those two, but it’s not going to be hurting for WFH high salaried workers.

Longtime anti-vaxxer RFK Jr is at the front of this clownshow.

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The South Africa variant emerged in October, and it has more potentially important changes in the spike protein than the UK variant.

It has one of the same mutations as the UK one, plus two more that scientists think may interfere more with vaccine effectiveness. One of these may help the virus evade parts of the immune system called antibodies - some research appears to show this.

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Cases involving the variant are increasing 70 percent a week in Denmark, despite a strict lockdown, according to Denmark’s State Serum Institute, a government agency that tracks diseases and advises health policy.

“We’re losing some of the tools that we have to control the epidemic,” said Tyra Grove Krause, scientific director of the institute, which this past week began sequencing every positive coronavirus test to check for mutations. By contrast, the United States is sequencing 0.3 percent of cases, ranking it 43rd in the world and leaving it largely blind to the variant’s spread.

Danish public health officials say that if it weren’t for their extensive monitoring, they would be feeling a false sense of confidence right now. Overall, new daily confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Denmark have been dropping for a month.

I was under the impression we had top men (who? Top. Men.) in charge of genomic surveillance, but it appears not. Anyways, the good news is that new daily confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the United States have been dropping and and we have no hard data indicating that there is an avalanche of superCOVID cases about to overwhelm us, so let’s all take a deep breath and let our guard down.


Larry King dies aged 87 after Covid diagnosis

US broadcaster Larry King has died at the age of 87, a statement on his Twitter account has announced.

He had tested positive for Covid-19 earlier this month and was being treated in hospital in Los Angeles.

King won multiple accolades, including two Peabody Awards and an Emmy, in his career, which spanned over 60 years.

Interesting. CNN hasnt mentioned covid.

3rd Jan…

I’m only a few degrees of Kevin Bacon away from people doing covid genomic surveillance in the US. Maybe it’s not coordinated as much as it should be or happening on the scale it should be, but it’s happening.

Amazng. None of the almost deceased GOP folks managed to die from Covid but Larry King* did. More proof there is no god.

*I am not making any judgement on Larry King, just can’t believe that all of the GOP creatures faded death from Covid.

i know larry wasn’t exactly GOp, but he did shill for RT America, so a bit of a useful idiot for the last decade.


I really do hate some fucking people.