COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

What Trolly said. You’re a frontline worker brother.


How many complications are there with adjusting the vaccine for the new SA or Brazilian variants while continuing the existing vaccination program? Id think testing vaccine 2.0 would be somewhat difficult if we are going to keep vaccinating all the vulnerable with vaccine 1.0. The 50% is somewhat clickbaity, but seems like there’s enough smoke to start examining contingency plans for if this round of vaccination isnt going to do the job. There was another modeling study done out of the UK this week that suggests herd immunity with the new Kent strain gets really dicey if effectiveness starts falling much below 95%, vax may get R0 down to 1 or so. Definitely helpful but wouldnt be close to herd immunity or getting back to normal.

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There are still studies going on for other vaccines so I don’t see why they couldn’t do one for a new mRNA one made specifically for a new variant. However they won’t start this until it is shown that vaccinated people die of the new variant. Right now stopping bad outcomes is much more important than herd immunity and stopping the spread.

Convinced a nurse to get the covid shot today.

boo ya


My daughters school district went from fully remote between Thanksgiving and MLK day, back to hybrid this Tuesday and lasted one entire week. Just got the call that we are back to remote due to pozzings and associated necessary quarantines. Who would have guessed?


Happens all the time at work. I call it the management abstraction ladder. All caveats and grey interpretations become clear black and white. Nothing like listening to the other companies business people make declarations while their technical folk in the room roll their eyes.

Unfortunately I’m watching Prof John Edmunds from London University, a member of SAGE, on TV now saying “although the results are quite preliminary (the data comes from a very large data set) and only cover about 8% of the deaths, and we would like to look at other data sets to see if this pattern is replicated…it’s been looked at by a number of colleagues in considerable detail using different methods and we’ve all arrived at the same conclusions.”

There’s no doubt that the latest study results show an alarming increase in fatality of 60 year olds.

This could of course be reversed by future larger studies, but that’s where we are at this moment.

That’s not the portion of his claim that I’m taking umbrage with. That seems like a reasonable conclusion both from the quotes from scientists he posted and the underlying work.

Anyone have info on Arizona. My Dad (91) says they are getting no answers to queries.

Not impossible that he is missing something.

Ok that serves me right for grunching I guess.

He should be in 1B and he should be eligible except in “certain counties” where there are shortages. Think you probably need to sort through this website and figure it out for him.

Fuck me, I thought 100m vaccinated in 100 days meant 100m people, not 100m shots given (50m people).

How they fuck are they going to verify if you have a pre-existing condition?

did daily cases peak?

Hard to tell because of noise from the holidays. You’d think so since it looks like hospitalizations have.

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Update. Moms vaccinated! 1 month away from massive stress reduction. So grateful right now


Oh yeah…

And your boy is too!

On phone or id post all the happy celebration gifs.



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86 year old people hardly ever just suddenly drop dead.

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Did Aaron drink a glass of milk in the week prior to his death? Did Aaron not drink a glass of milk in the week prior to his death??

Everybody has their hot buttons. Anti-vaxxers is my number one. Unfortunately I have an anti-vaxxer in my extended family and it causes me untold pain and anguish.