COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Fucking die, Kennedy. What a fucking cock. If I ever hear the words “we cant politicize this right now” coming from that man, my head might explode

So Fauci actually said 100M people on Maddow just now. I thought I heard him say the same thing yesterday. Pretty sure he’s mistaken, though, because every other admin person I’ve seen has said 100M shots.

In any case, probably a good sign if Fauci is optimistic about 100M people.

Edit: Trolly made me feel so embarrassed that I went back to fix the M. :slight_smile:

Saw Fauci on Maddow. Fauci rocks obviously. Nothing surprising, but it’s pretty powerful to hear, in his very reserved and careful way, that the Trump admin was a fucking fascist nightmare.


Yeah, imagine having Fauci on your team and telling him to shut up and not take his advice. :open_mouth:

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You people talking about 100m people instead of 100M people are really making me do double-takes.


100 million shots could be 100 million people if each only got one shot. Or it could be 50 million if every one of them got the two doses.

The reality is that if 100 million shots are given it will translate in to some number in between. I estimate it will be about 65 million people with at least one shot.

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Well… The wife is pozzed. She was due to get the second jab Wednesday. I, of course, spent the entire day driving around looking at neighborhoods with her (because we’re buying a house) so just based on today am most likely pozzed as well.

This is so us. We’re totally the people who get shot the last day of a combat tour.

So far she has allergy symptoms and I have nothing.


Three nurses I worked with in the vaccine clinic refused to get the shot. Ugh.

Did you contact the real estate agent you were working with and any home owners who might still be living in those houses?

If it’s any comfort, she’s likely to get a milder case even with just the one shot, and hopefully that helps you out, too, by giving you a milder initial dose.

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We were just driving around getting a look at neighborhoods we haven’t really been in before. The first showings were scheduled for tomorrow and are now cancelled.

Because I’m self employed we started the process by getting pre approval for the mortgage and none of that was done face to face. The wife will have infected exactly one person and I will have infected zero.

Misanthropic introverts aren’t why this disease is a thing.


Heh. Better for your conscience, at least! What metro are you looking at?

Is that what the kids are calling it?

Austin lol. Definitely a have the money already lined up market.

Damn man that is brutal. Any chance you could convince them your brother has no idea what he is talking about and couldn’t possibly evaluate whether a vaccine has been tested properly or not?

On Facebook ppl are just asking questions about Hank Aaron dying two weeks after getting his vaccine

Best of luck with the rona, and best of luck with the hunt in a couple-few weeks. A quick Zillow perusal of Austin looked like it was perhaps a touch spendier than our new digs, but having lived in an area that wasn’t merely “have the money lined up” but "have straight cash, homie (none of this “mortgage crapola), and a sob story to go with it so the homeowners pick you to be the one to pay $1.5 milly ($200k over ask, obv) for a 3br1ba 1500 sqft place in a mediocre school district,” that sounds positively serene.

Yeah it’s a 10-15% over asking and we’ve got 60 offers 3 days after we listed market… but it’s still 300-350k in the northern suburbs for the house you’re talking about… even after paying 10-15% over asking.

Honestly I get it. Buying real estate in Austin with a sub 3% APR on a 30 year fixed rate is just about the most insane lock on a profitable trade in the history of commerce. This city is taking an absurd share of the refugees from the coastal cities.

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Yeah, likewise with Portland getting a fair number of Seattle and Bay refugees. It’s unlikely to get as bad as those two, but it’s not going to be hurting for WFH high salaried workers.

Longtime anti-vaxxer RFK Jr is at the front of this clownshow.

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The South Africa variant emerged in October, and it has more potentially important changes in the spike protein than the UK variant.

It has one of the same mutations as the UK one, plus two more that scientists think may interfere more with vaccine effectiveness. One of these may help the virus evade parts of the immune system called antibodies - some research appears to show this.

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