COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Cases involving the variant are increasing 70 percent a week in Denmark, despite a strict lockdown, according to Denmarkā€™s State Serum Institute, a government agency that tracks diseases and advises health policy.

ā€œWeā€™re losing some of the tools that we have to control the epidemic,ā€ said Tyra Grove Krause, scientific director of the institute, which this past week began sequencing every positive coronavirus test to check for mutations. By contrast, the United States is sequencing 0.3 percent of cases, ranking it 43rd in the world and leaving it largely blind to the variantā€™s spread.


Danish public health officials say that if it werenā€™t for their extensive monitoring, they would be feeling a false sense of confidence right now. Overall, new daily confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Denmark have been dropping for a month.

I was under the impression we had top men (who? Top. Men.) in charge of genomic surveillance, but it appears not. Anyways, the good news is that new daily confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the United States have been dropping and and we have no hard data indicating that there is an avalanche of superCOVID cases about to overwhelm us, so letā€™s all take a deep breath and let our guard down.


Larry King dies aged 87 after Covid diagnosis

US broadcaster Larry King has died at the age of 87, a statement on his Twitter account has announced.

He had tested positive for Covid-19 earlier this month and was being treated in hospital in Los Angeles.

King won multiple accolades, including two Peabody Awards and an Emmy, in his career, which spanned over 60 years.

Interesting. CNN hasnt mentioned covid.

3rd Janā€¦

Iā€™m only a few degrees of Kevin Bacon away from people doing covid genomic surveillance in the US. Maybe itā€™s not coordinated as much as it should be or happening on the scale it should be, but itā€™s happening.

Amazng. None of the almost deceased GOP folks managed to die from Covid but Larry King* did. More proof there is no god.

*I am not making any judgement on Larry King, just canā€™t believe that all of the GOP creatures faded death from Covid.

i know larry wasnā€™t exactly GOp, but he did shill for RT America, so a bit of a useful idiot for the last decade.


I really do hate some fucking people.

Yes Iā€™m hoping itā€™s mild as well due to the first jab for the Mrs.

Confirmed we canā€™t refi as self-employed cause 2020 sucked. Glad you made it thru that part at least.

What made her decide to get tested? Or do you they have scheduled testing at work?

Can I get the cliffs notes on Suzzerā€™s Costa Rican adventure?

Yes, but not in this thread.

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She was still feeling the way she always feels for 12-16 hours after working five days straight in an N95 24 hours after she got out of work, they have a quicktest machine at work, and she didnā€™t want to be consumed with hypochondria for the entire weekend. Plus it was on the way home.

Sheā€™d obviously been exposed at work but not more than has happened thousands of times already this year.


Nothing happened. Got along but no long term thing. Didnā€™t catch covid.

Biggest fail of 2020 imo. Great love story or total train wreck. Those were the options.


Itā€™s happening