COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Yeah I realized that later . I was having a crisis of conscious thinking he was a Republican.

I just saw Tarrant County has gotten 30k doses, Dallas County less than 15k.

I may actually qualify in group 1B where I live, did to health issues.

How about we just move on to the people who want it instead?


Yeah this kind of stuff is annoying the crap out of me.

On paper giving it to front line workers and those who need it make perfect sense. In practice it inhibits the pace of getting the entire population vaccinated.

At least open it up to everyone over 85 or something and start getting them moving. My buddy does maintenance at the KC airport. He’s essential but not that essential.

I guarantee you if they gave enough vials to my university to vaccinate every employee and student, they’d spend 3 months creating an action plan which would take 3 years to implement. They just aren’t wired to move fast at all.

Well, here in France they’ve managed to vaccinate all of about 7,500 people so far. We started later in the EU but in contrast Germany has managed over 250k.

It’s a total shit show, with the minister responsible reduced to going on the TV and announcing that in the ‘coming days’ everyone will be allowed to sign up for an appointment. Why that will help speed things up is anyone’s guess.

But don’t worry, it won’t actually happen. He said, “there will be signups on the internet, no doubt by phone and, why not, on TousAntiCovid [the French contact tracing app].” So clearly he hasn’t the first clue what he’s saying and was probably winging it. I imagine some poor fucker several levels down will get a really annoying email tomorrow morning.

One reason it’s so slow is that it’s required to have a pre-vaccine appointment with a GP where you talk about it and go through your medical history, and then you wait 5 days. Seems fine.

Your university should have started developing an action plan three months before they expect to get doses for employees.

And I should have lost 10 lbs before my trip instead of gaining 5.


TX 36,000 cases
Fl 15,000 cases

New thread title pitch

Covid 19 cases in the south will rise again.

I’m not taking any shots at any states anymore when NYS may look like the UK in a month

I was looking at Tarrant County list and it’s already open to people 65 and over.

I agree at the very least they need to broaden it.

We can’t be waiting for the kid throwing a tantrum at the front of the Santa clause line for 40 minutes. Push them out of the way and move on,

Basically it should be :

A) You are up B!

B) Don wanna

A) Are you sure?

B) Yah

Push them out of the way.

Nobody should be negotiating bribes to get a vaccine at the front of the line.


Tried to beg for spoiling doses/bribe the NP at the doc’s today. People there had gotten Moderna yesterday. Couldn’t get it done though.

MIL and SIL who are both…healthcare adjacent have just gotten the first dose as well.

This is non-NYC NY.

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My 73 year old father lives in Tarrant County. He signed up on some list and is currently waiting to be contacted for an appointment.



MURICA demands we go one level deeper

Google Nest gear? So they are implanting people with tracking equipment.

Supposed to be a srs biz lockdown announced for Quebec tomorrow with maybe curfews and stuff.

Yeah the health department website has an appointment sign up.

Hope all goes well for him. Would be interested to here how it goes if you talk to him.

I don’t see how we aren’t at 175,000 plus deaths in the US for 2021 by the end of February barring the system simply reaching its capacity to record deaths. The new variant is just death for the US given current strategies.

When I get some news I will give an update. We talk 3 or 4 times a week so hopefully I have some good news soon.

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“Brady received the first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Dec. 18 and tested negative for COVID-19 as recently as New Year’s Day.”

"News of Brady’s infection follows another positive test for a fellow Texas Republican, Rep. Kay Granger, who is 77. Her office announced on Monday that she had tested positive but was asymptomatic. It said she was being quarantined.

Granger was tested on Sunday after arriving on Capitol Hill for the start of the 117th Congress and interacting with members on the floor of the House. She received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine in December and was set to receive her second dose this week, her office said."