COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Yeah the health department website has an appointment sign up.

Hope all goes well for him. Would be interested to here how it goes if you talk to him.

I don’t see how we aren’t at 175,000 plus deaths in the US for 2021 by the end of February barring the system simply reaching its capacity to record deaths. The new variant is just death for the US given current strategies.

When I get some news I will give an update. We talk 3 or 4 times a week so hopefully I have some good news soon.

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“Brady received the first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Dec. 18 and tested negative for COVID-19 as recently as New Year’s Day.”

"News of Brady’s infection follows another positive test for a fellow Texas Republican, Rep. Kay Granger, who is 77. Her office announced on Monday that she had tested positive but was asymptomatic. It said she was being quarantined.

Granger was tested on Sunday after arriving on Capitol Hill for the start of the 117th Congress and interacting with members on the floor of the House. She received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine in December and was set to receive her second dose this week, her office said."

I wouldn’t be surprised to see a number of Rs stay home today due to contact tracing or “symptoms”.


A quarter of deaths registered in England and Wales in the week before Christmas were Covid related - the highest weekly proportion since mid-May.

A total of 11,520 deaths were registered across England and Wales in the week to 25 December of which 2,912 mentioned Covid on the death certificate, or 25.3% of all deaths in England and Wales.

This brings the total number of deaths involving Covid to 92,070. The figure is higher than the government’s official toll of 76,305 as it takes into account all deaths where Covid was mentioned on the death certificate whereas the government figure only includes those deaths which occurred within 28 days of a positive Covid test.

The figure of 92,070 deaths includes all deaths recorded by the three UK statistical agencies up to 25 December and those reported by health agencies since then as published on the government dashboard.

92,000 dead here is equivalent to 460,000 dead in the US.

Take that, suckers!

You have to have done something extremely tone deaf to get chastised by Trudeau for it, lol.

Good. That mfer got the vaccine and then got Covid.

As for kay granger, lol I actually know her.

I don’t feel the slightest bit bad for any of them.

All of the UK is now under strict virus curbs, with Wales, Northern Ireland and most of Scotland also in lockdown.

On Tuesday the number of new daily confirmed cases of Covid in the UK topped 60,000 for the first time.

And it is thought one in 50 people in private households in England had the virus last week - rising to one in 30 in London.

I’ve got to be honest 1 in 30 positive in London has me a bit shook


Lol, holy shit!

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Has LA not built any field hospitals? Where’s the navy medical ship? Why hasn’t the national guard converted the stadiums into field hospitals?

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I mean, if they were effective immediately, people wouldn’t be able to get their last bits of nonessential travel and socializing in before the lockdown!

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This one seems to have some antigen drift. I’m not clear if they are worried about the monoclonal antibody drugs, antibodies from prior strain infection, or vaccine efficacy. Perhaps all three?

This is all analogous to not finishing antibiotic courses. Just wound the beast and t let a decent number of survivors live and if they have a bit of a change perhaps they thrive.

Partial immunity plus high prevalence=natural selection pressure plus opportunity.

^mechanistically different as bacteria often acquire antibiotic resistance from horizontal gene transfer while virus antigen properties largely happen due to random mutation. But the end result is similar and the evolutionary drivers are similar.

Saw my doctor this morning and asked him if I should get the vaccine. He said with my health issues I absolutely should and should qualify.

Having a weird reaction to potentially getting it sooner rather than later. I am very much the type who holds the door open to let everyone else go first.


I’d like to vaccinate Tarrant County Public Health against excessive comma use.


Sure but getting vaccinated helps everyone.


This guy. image

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It’s not about space. It’s about resources. Specifically human resources. You can only take on so many patients without extending staff, and it doesnt seem like people are racing to be on the front line of nurses.