COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Understood, but aren’t there qualified folks in the military that aren’t being utilized now? Maybe there isn’t. Maybe all of the military and reserve nurses and doctors are already working?

Probably. But we wont be able to do anything with them for 2 weeks.

I signed up in Oklahoma today and am tier 2 (the current tier they are in although they are doing 65+ in this tier first) due to several comorbidities. Hopefully I will be getting the jab shortly.

Don’t feel bad about your place in line, by getting it as soon as possible you are helping not only yourself but every single person you come into contact with. It is selfless in that sense to get it as soon as you can.


I’m sure you know this, but just in case it helps to hear someone else say it, you should not for a second feel bad about getting the vaccine. In addition to helping yourself, the shot is protecting others in your community (including folks whose own health conditions mean they can’t get the vaccine), allowing you to stay safe and healthy so that you can be there for your loved ones, and prevents you from getting sick and possibly taking up hospital resources that can be used to treat other sick people.

Getting vaccinated is not a selfish act.


Hey just like the Czech Republic.

Seems like our two countries are trying to copy homework from the smart ones but fucking that up.

17,278 new cases yesterday. Probably will break 20K within the next week

Government says the Czech Republic will soon be worse than Italy at its peak

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Mexican president offers to vaccinate undocumented migrants in US

Mexico’s president has said his country is ready to vaccinate undocumented migrants living in the US, after a US governor said they would be unlikely to receive an injection.

“It’s a universal right,” President Andrés Manuel López Obrador told a news conference on Wednesday, according to Reuters news agency. “We would do it.”

He gave no details about how such a plan would be implemented, or who would be eligible to receive a vaccine.

Many undocumented migrants in the US are from Mexico.

The president’s comments come after Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts, a Republican, said undocumented workers at the state’s meat-packing plants would probably be excluded from receiving vaccinations.

“You’re supposed to be a legal resident of the country to be able to be working in those plants, so I do not expect that illegal immigrants will be part of that vaccine programme,” Ricketts said, according to Reuters news agency.


One for Keeeed

Two members were already en route, with the WHO saying the problem was a lack of visa clearances.

However, China has challenged this, saying details of the visit, including dates, were still being arranged.

The long-awaited probe was agreed upon by Beijing after many months of negotiations with the WHO.

It was initially believed the virus originated in a market selling exotic animals for meat. It was suggested that this was where the virus made the leap from animals to humans.

But the origins of the virus remain deeply contested. Some experts now believe the market may not have been the origin, and that it was instead only amplified there.

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I guess today would have been a better day to stay home.


wapo counter already set a record for deaths today. worldometer number might miss by a couple hundred. not seeing a peak. gg humanity.

Nobody has covid today.

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Vaccine hurt my arm more than the flu shot but other than that no side effects at all. When I get my flu shot I usually feel run down for a day or so


Rounding the corner!

I spoke with my father today he has yet to hear anything when he can get his vaccine.
He signed up with the Tarrant county health department , his doctor, and Walmart. No word yet.

He called the health department to confirm he was on the list. They did confirm but no other info was given. No indication of a time line or how many people were in front of him. Just we will let you know.

His lady friend’s house mate is pozzed and its a really bad situation. She is 73 and, overweight and lives with 7 other people in a 2000 square foot house. Its a combination of her grand kids and their significant others. She really needs to get out of there but I’m not sure she has the means too. My dad doesn’t want her at his house for obvious reasons. But I am really worried about her. She has helped my dad so much over the years with his various health issues and he just kind of seems ambivalent to her situation. Its kind of pissing me off.



SIL’s memory care home had leftovers so employee spouses were invited. So now we have a whole couple in the family with first shot.

Almost all the residents have gotten their first.

About half the staff is declining. SIL would like to can them but her boss is worried about replacing them.

Getting cdc recommended vaccines should be part of our state licensing requirement.


The bright side of the crazy happening in Georgia and DC is I almost forgot about covid during my 2 days off.


It’s not cdc recommended. It’s an emergency use thing

A lot of these fools would have been forced out of the medical community a long time ago if it was a license requirement.

We locked down pretty hard by USA#1 standards:

The Modified Phase One will begin in Orleans Parish at 6 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 8, with the following major changes:

  • Gatherings and special events will not be allowed except for people who live together in a single household.
  • All indoor activities will be reduced to 25% of permitted occupancy.
  • Indoor and outdoor sporting events will be reduced to 4% of permitted occupancy.
  • Tables – at restaurants, or outdoor seating at bars or breweries – will be limited to 6 people and everyone must be from the same household.

Goal is for under 50 cases/day and 5% pos, it’s been around 200+ and 8% lately.

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